Find out your Crystal Astrology & Sabian Symbols!



GA looks like our post from
07-02-2007 was right – its probably the time in 24 hours that was tricky part.

This set of crystals show me the healing teaching side of your personality, also a significant amount of travel – do you travel? Its that you have strong communication skills - very accurate and solid.

Sun 17°16' Pisces
Sabian Symbol: A gigantic tent. Apportionment
Crystal: Stilbite
Expression: Stilbite is a secondary zeolite mineral. Stilbite creates a loving, clear space for self-expression and psychic development.
Message: Empower, intensify and inspire through extravagant revelations.
Sun Focus: A gifted performer and a great teacher, you inspire and motivate people.
Affirmation: I am enchanting, exhilarating and unforgettable.

Moon 11°10' Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol: A flag that turns into an eagle that crows. Adjustment
Crystal: Diopside
Expression: Diopside, a green pyroxene, is a fundamental rock-forming mineral. Diopside enhances adaptability and expansion in personal and spiritual will, Eagle Totem energy.
Message: Signs and messages transforming in sound and vision.
Sun Focus: You are an inspirational leader with a desire for exploration and adventure; you lead by example.
Affirmation: I am adaptable.

Mercury 3°25' Aries
Sabian Symbol: Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk. Enjoyment
Crystal: Chrysoprase
one of the most fortunate crystals in Chinese crystal lore –
Expression: Chrysoprase is a vibrant green variety of quartz. Chrysoprase brings good fortune, prosperity, and happiness-enhancing friendships. Echoes the Lover’s tarot card energy.
Message: Learning to trust others and ourselves, we grow secure in relationships.

Venus 0°41' Taurus
Sabian Symbol: A clear mountain stream. Resourcefulness
Crystal: Colourless Spinel

Mars 17°16' Taurus
Sabian Symbol: A woman holding a bag out of a window. Facilitation
Crystal: Anthophyllite

Jupiter Sabian 4°51' Capricorn
Symbol: Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance. Mobilization
Crystal: Red Aventurine

Saturn 0°55' Gemini
Sabian Symbol: A glass-bottomed boat in still water. Curiosity
Crystal: Petoskey Stone

Uranus 17°23' Libra
Sabian Symbol: Two men placed under arrest. Consequence
Crystal: Californite (Vesuvanite)
Expression: Californite is the green gem variety of Idiocrase. Californite sheds light on the outcome of thoughts, actions, situations and beliefs, and moderates fear.
Message: Release negative and manipulative behaviour patterns.
Your belief systems are often tested in difficult ways to motivate positive growth and healing.
Affirmation: I may have much taken from me, but they will never take my freedom.

Neptune 5°11' Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol: A game of cricket. Sportsmanship
Crystal: Blue Aventurine
This symbol here often represents people who’s spiritual beliefs follow a guideline – set of rules, have a firm foundation with limits. People with this degree here make good teachers (spirituality or kids or adult learning)

Pluto 1°01' Libra
Sabian Symbol: The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh. Threshold
Crystal: Moldavite
Awesome Pluto – transformation out of this world this is my soul promise crystal, and I find it very potent
Expression: Moldavite is a translucent green, glassy mineral. Moldavite motivates the expansion of consciousness, promoting a rapid evolutionary experience.
Reflection: An advanced state, new experiences restoring equilibrium.
By setting free limiting thought processes, you are supporting the planetary ascension process.

Affirmation: I meditate on moving into new spiritual dimensions.
North Node 3°05' Aquarius
Sabian Symbol: A Hindu healer. Therapy
Crystal: Blue Apatite
Expression: Blue Apatite is a manganese-rich fluorapatite. Blue Apatite promotes the healing of ‘dis-ease’, and raises conscious awareness of the physical.
Message: Self-healing, balance and harmony for body, mind and universe.
As this is your north node you may find it hard to rely on your spiritual centre for solutions; but you have divine healing attributes- everyone else can see it you are a natural healer – are you studying healing?

South Node 3°05' Leo
Sabian Symbol: A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded. Morale
Crystal: Hornblende
Expression: Hornblende is a term applied to common, opaque, black amphiboles. Hornblende promotes seriousness, authority, cooperation and zeal. Orion energy.
Message: Instinctive fulfilment of emotional, physical and survival needs.
You are an adventurer, you enjoy risky activities and motivate others to accomplish their goals.
Affirmation:With confidence and purpose you seek out like-minded, successful people.

Chrysoprase is the crystal that pops out to me - it is such a special crystal - keeping in mind you don’t have to purchase any crystals – just find that
Energy in you.


HI Major Tom,
Welcome and thank you for posting
I feel awkward that I cant spend more time on this!
I do love looking at all the charts – and seeing how this all works for each individual –I find people get much more out of the ‘list’ once they see how it works in their own life – like you saw you already own Citrine and quartz.. I know they are more common crystals – but still YOU have them in your chart –well they live with you

And yes – all the colours of the rainbow (Jupiter sunshine after a storm – ofte has rainbows..)

This is our birth DAY crystal Atacamite
Sun Sabian Symbol: An unsealed letter. Confidence
29°18' Leo Crystal: Atacamite
Expression: Atacamite is a vivid green, copper-rich, halide mineral. Spiritually, Atacamite promotes freedom from doubt, and facilitates friendly conversations and correspondence.
Message: Self belief – assurance for future prosperity.
Sun Focus: You communicate from the heart with integrity and passion; others hear your truth, and you are listened to.
Affirmation: I am open, carefree, creative and honest.

Moon Sabian Symbol: A gold rush. Ambition
5°22' Scorpio Crystal: Gold in Quartz
Expression: Gold in quartz is a natural concentration of gold. Gold in quartz promotes prosperity, holds boundless energy, and promotes vitality and confidence.
Message: Gain attention and manifest goals into wealthy reality.

Mercury Sabian Symbol: An orangutan. Dexterity
15°24' Virgo Crystal: Crocoite
A man of words – you ca get into and out of any strife through words – and communication – excellent skills here.. verbally dexterous…

Venus Sabian Symbol: Daybreak. Genesis
26°49' Leo Crystal: Citrine
Expression: Citrine is a yellow-orange variety of quartz that can occur naturally, or artificially from heat-treating amethyst. Citrine enhances new cycles in life with clear intention and devotion.
Message: New ideas, opportunities, and realizations emerge.
Relatioships: You bring fresh energy to situations, even the personal and emotional, helping the progression toward success.
Affirmation: The hope that comes with each new day is my inspiration.

Mars Sabian Symbol: Many little birds on the limb of a large tree. Ramification
27°20' Leo Crystal: Blue Opal
Expression: Blue Opal is un-crystallised, blue-coloured opal. Blue Opal helps ideas flow freely and promotes confidence in interpreting intuitive voices, invites angel energy.
Message: Personal importance, social responsibility, cause and effect.
Energy - considerate and accommodating; you enjoy light, familiar social interactions.
Affirmation: I want to share my time and knowledge with people who appreciate me.

Jupiter Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm. Recovery
15°13' Leo Crystal: Yellow Fluorite
Expression: Fluorite is a common mineral and can be found in a variety of colours, including yellow. Yellow Fluorite enhances psychic protection, healing and purification.
Message: Symbol of hope, salvation and glory.
You are generous, confident and loyal, always ready to achieve wonderful things.
Affirmation: I radiate golden energy.
Gosh – very fortunate in the career and abundance placement!

Saturn Sabian Symbol: A girl's face breaking into a smile. Acquiescence
15°31' Scorpio Crystal: Albite
Ok Saturn is lessons – maybe teeth or mouth issues – but really your smile is worth bottling

Uranus Sabian Symbol: A Daughter of the American Revolution. Inheritance
29°54' Cancer Crystal: Greenstone (Green Jasper)
you will fight for what you need to – and for those you love

Neptune Sabian Symbol: An airplane hovering overhead. Reflection
26°01' Libra Crystal: Black Hypersthene
Ahh yes – psychic/spiritual height

Pluto Sabian Symbol: Daybreak. Genesis
26°33' Leo Crystal: Citrine

North Node Sabian Symbol: A bluebird standing at the door of the house. Fortune
23°01' Sagittarius Crystal: Blue Lace Agate
Have you see the movie or read the book - the blue bird of happiness? happienss in the right now...

South Node Sabian Symbol: Children skating on ice. Fun
23°01' Gemini Crystal: Siberian Quartz
and having fun is your middle name..

hope thats a part of you..

crystal blessings



MCsea said:
GA looks like our post from
07-02-2007 was right – its probably the time in 24 hours that was tricky part.

This set of crystals show me the healing teaching side of your personality, also a significant amount of travel – do you travel? Its that you have strong communication skills - very accurate and solid.
I've been told by several blessed people that I have healing abilities, though I'm not sure in which direction it's the most potent. Some say I have healing powers of the mind...others say my hands are healing. Truthfully, I don't think I quite get where people are picking this up from...but yes, I've heard it before. I have a degree in healing the mind (psychology)...and people naturally tend to feel better when around me (I'm told) you can imagine, I draw a lot of people to me with the need for healing (which can be draining). I do have strong communication skills; I'm very direct and specific, and I expect the same from others...which NEVER happens. :laugh:
Chrysoprase is the crystal that pops out to me - it is such a special crystal - keeping in mind you don’t have to purchase any crystals – just find that Energy in you.
Hmm, I'd like to purchase it...maybe I'll Google for it.

This was a fantastic explanation, Marina. You're terrific. Thank you!


Major Tom

Thanks so much for taking the time to look into this Marina. :)

MCsea said:
29°18' Leo Crystal: Atacamite

I find it interesting that atacamite is a copper ore and I wear a lapis lazuli ring - another copper ore.

MCsea said:
5°22' Scorpio Crystal: Gold in Quartz
Message: Gain attention and manifest goals into wealthy reality.

I wonder is there an affirmation for this?

MCsea said:
15°24' Virgo Crystal: Crocoite
A man of words – you ca get into and out of any strife through words – and communication – excellent skills here.. verbally dexterous…

LOL - into strife for sure. I often feel clumsy with words.

MCsea said:
26°49' Leo Crystal: Citrine
Affirmation: The hope that comes with each new day is my inspiration.

I can see this affirmation being very useful.

MCsea said:
27°20' Leo Crystal: Blue Opal
Affirmation: I want to share my time and knowledge with people who appreciate me.

Ditto with this affirmation - especially as its so true.

MCsea said:
15°13' Leo Crystal: Yellow Fluorite
Gosh – very fortunate in the career and abundance placement!

I don't always feel abundant but do recognise I have much to be grateful for.

MCsea said:
15°31' Scorpio Crystal: Albite
Ok Saturn is lessons – maybe teeth or mouth issues – but really your smile is worth bottling

I've had a great deal of trouble with my teeth over the past year.

MCsea said:
29°54' Cancer Crystal: Greenstone (Green Jasper)
you will fight for what you need to – and for those you love

LOL - this refers back to Mercury.

MCsea said:
26°01' Libra Crystal: Black Hypersthene
Ahh yes – psychic/spiritual height

Again I wonder if there's an affirmation that goes with this?

MCsea said:
23°01' Sagittarius Crystal: Blue Lace Agate
Have you see the movie or read the book - the blue bird of happiness? happienss in the right now...

I've not seen the movie or read the book - I will look out for them. This is a lesson that I've been learning over the past few years.

MCsea said:
23°01' Gemini Crystal: Siberian Quartz
and having fun is your middle name..

I'd go as far to say that having fun is one of only two purposes of life.

This is fascinating stuff. Thanks again for being so generous with your time and energy.


Major Tom -
Thank you for your feedback - awesome!

Affirmation for Gold in Quartz
Affirmation: I invite prosperity into my prospective future.

Affirmation for Black Hypersthene
Affirmation: I accept that I am made in the image of the Divine.




GoddessArtemis said:
I've been told by several blessed people that I have healing abilities, though I'm not sure in which direction it's the most potent. Some say I have healing powers of the mind...others say my hands are healing. Truthfully, I don't think I quite get where people are picking this up from...but yes, I've heard it before. I have a degree in healing the mind (psychology)...and people naturally tend to feel better when around me (I'm told) you can imagine, I draw a lot of people to me with the need for healing (which can be draining). I do have strong communication skills; I'm very direct and specific, and I expect the same from others...which NEVER happens. :laugh:
Hmm, I'd like to purchase it...maybe I'll Google for it.

This was a fantastic explanation, Marina. You're terrific. Thank you!


Thank you for your kind words..
well being your north node you will probably feel the last person to know this - I think as the planets move in your chart you will slowly realise your healing energy (all mind body and spirit)
Chrysoprase may help you hear other people in a new way.. as you said they are not as direct as you but they are trying ;)



I hope its OK to say here that most of the interpretations are from my book
Crystal Astrology

but if you have a look in the sabian symbols thread which is under ORACLES - Oracle study groups - sabian symbols
- each sabian symbol has been listed by Elven and added to by purple_scorp with a picture and others with personal experiences- feel free to visit and add
(about half have all the crystal details from my book too)
for example -

crystal blessings



MCsea said:
Thank you for your kind words..
well being your north node you will probably feel the last person to know this - I think as the planets move in your chart you will slowly realise your healing energy (all mind body and spirit)
Chrysoprase may help you hear other people in a new way.. as you said they are not as direct as you but they are trying ;)

I did some research on chrysoprase and found it's the Gemini birthstone. It's interesting you thought of that stone in relation to me, because I feel little connection with Gemini's (except to talk each other's heads off! :D)



here are mine...still studying the planets much info

Crystal Astrology
Sun Sabian Symbol: The Pyramids and the Sphinx. Certification
13°49' Sagittarius Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Moon Sabian Symbol: Children skating on ice. Fun
23°42' Gemini Crystal: Siberian Quartz
Mercury Sabian Symbol: The Pyramids and the Sphinx. Certification
13°09' Sagittarius Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Venus Sabian Symbol: A water sprite. Restlessness
25°10' Capricorn Crystal: Chrysocolla
Mars Sabian Symbol: A retired sea captain. Relaxation
16°00' Libra Crystal: White/Clear Fluorite
Jupiter Sabian Symbol: The dawn of a new day, everything changed. Innovation
2°59' Libra Crystal: Yellow Rutilated Quartz
Saturn Sabian Symbol: A young girl feeding birds in winter. Hospitality
19°02' Aries Crystal: Rhodochrosite
Uranus Sabian Symbol: A group around a campfire. Amiability
3°26' Libra Crystal: Fire Opal
Neptune Sabian Symbol: A military band on the march. Intrepidity
26°52' Scorpio Crystal: Golden Topaz
Pluto Sabian Symbol: A flag at half-mast. Respect
24°57' Virgo Crystal: Black Marble
North Node Sabian Symbol: A square brightly lighted on one side. Set
5°59' Aries Crystal: Galena
South Node Sabian Symbol: The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized. Personification
5°59' Libra Crystal: Lazulite


Astrology and Sabian Symbols

Hopeful of obtaining data on self, I was born 22-11-9141 at 8.30 pm Frankston Victoria Australia....many thanks