Timing spreads please — not will-happen but should-do


I am definitly not certain.

This is as far as my certainty gets, as far as i am concerned:)
i obviously asked before if x would contact me( not with 5 cards but with the yes, no, maybe)
and with another kind of yes/no spread.Positive The lenormand is positive, but then again they still do not give certainty
why would i do this draw? Hope, maybe this is better then nothing. But then again, maybe it's not. But it's all i have. Hope....This is all i allow myself to have thus far

How certain can i be?? I am certain till i get this letter or card in my mail box
for me the rest is in the realm beyond reality. Sad but true

i just hope they make sense soon

thanks for looking in with me!!!



I decided to ask anyway, with the way you do this 5 draw spread
Will X contact me?

the Hermit-CII_ the lovers_Wheel_Adjustment

4 Majors ,wow!
i think the answer is here yes as well even though without the magician or ace.
you will even be able to see it's purpose :D
It feels like a yes to me. Something like " Looking to make this commitment, when opportunity and the right moment will be there to emerge. It feels at least that it will only be a matter of time. Spread is will balanced with just active energy cards at the end, so it should not take long.

correct me if you see something different :)


Hey, this thread took off! :) I'm afraid I haven't been able to follow all of it but I'm glad Amanda your method has gained such a following.

I did today succumb and use it for a 'when will' instead of 'when should I'... and it feels like a reading that 'matters', but at the same time I'm flummoxed so here I am asking everyone's thoughts! :D

I asked when I will earn money through my own efforts, if ever. I have been on disability for some years and it's 'obvious' that I can't expect to support myself again. But I feel that if I find the right enterprise it will be possible, something I do at home and take a day off from whenever I have a bad day - without warning. (Not a worker anyone would employ, you see.)

This is what I drew (Original RW, without reversals):
3 Pentacles - Justice - King of Swords - the Emperor - Judgement

Wow... and er, wot?!

Justice, the King and Judgement sat there gazing at me impassively. I was quite daunted. I don't know what they expect of me! All three throned, looking straight forward, swords in two of their hands and a sceptre in the other... etc. Lots of sternness. Then Judgement (also stern) which as I looked had a very obvious triangle, from the angel down the line of the coffins either side, echoing the triangle of pentacles on the Three. It also struck me that the King is bright white in the middle, two red-robed authorities on his right and left, and a sort of 'hard work' colour at the two ends. He's also the only one of those three who is outdoors ... I'm doing my best with no intuitive guidance here!

It could be three years, but there's that 'if ever' in the question and I feel it could equally mean I won't earn entirely independently (that card looks like teamwork to me although that's not in its official meaning as far as I know), or something to do with learnt skills.

I seem to be doing the base as 'underpinning' or even 'why you asked', the sum as summary or 'what it's all really about'. The sum of those cards comes to VII the Chariot, my birth (destiny or whatever you call it) card. Going ahead confidently without knowing exactly how it all works, coming out the winner; and balance or duality, to go with Justice. (?) The base card was the 7 Pents, 'still some way to go', but that could go with either of those interpretations.

I tried the opposite pairs mirroring but got nowhere, except by summing them: the 3 and XX gives the Hierophant: it's not about (me) the individual, and it is about going public, committing to something; then XI and IV make XV: for that I jotted down 'getting it right' this morning and can't even remember why but that must have jumped into my mind.

Justice could possibly be the divorce I'm in the middle of and the King my stbx, but those don't feel right.

Had a go at the elements and got stuck.

Perhaps I should use my intellect, or it depends on being clever, or cool-headed, or an executive / decisive / businesslike approach, or some kind of manager will be influential... thought combined with oomph... perhaps I should embrace my callous side?! The King is the fulcrum; it hinges on the intellect. Or words. (I used to write...) Or languages (which I used to be good at). Or being cold-hearted! Thought is at the centre...

That's the best I can do. I will spend some study and some meditative time on this but probably won't have the chance for a while, could be for ages, this - being a non-urgent matter - could be shoved under more immediate stuff going on. Yet it will bother me and I really do feel it came out an important reading. If I'd known that when I shuffled I might not have, I keep resolving to spend less time playing with the cards!

Thanx for any input you can add. :)


I think your spread is honing in on the "if ever" part of your question. The cards you pulled suggest legal entanglements standing in your way of earning money from something worthwhile.

If it's not honing in on the "if ever" part, then 3 years from now you could be re-evaluated for your disability perhaps? I mean, if starting to make money really took off for you at that time and you were making too much.

Just some thoughts!

liberated inferno

Okay, I need to hear your thoughts on this timing because there are a LOT court cards! All Knights!

Anyway, the question is: When will I hear from X again?

Lovers/knight Pents/ Knight Cups/ Six of Cups/ Knight of Wands

This imagery is fascinating! All of them men are looking towards the 6 of cups. It's like all of the Knights are surrounding the six of cups.

So it looks like X will have to make a decision first as to the seriousness of what's going on and determine if it's worth it. This will be a slow process as demonstrated by the Knight of Pents, but once he decides, he will move forward with passion and love ( Cups and Wands) in 6 weeks.

Thoughts Amanda?


Okay, I need to hear your thoughts on this timing because there are a LOT court cards! All Knights!

Anyway, the question is: When will I hear from X again?

Lovers/knight Pents/ Knight Cups/ Six of Cups/ Knight of Wands

Yes, I'd agree with 6 weeks... I'm just wondering why so many knights. I was going to say a social gathering of some kind, but that doesn't quite make sense since you've only got guys here and social gatherings surely include some women-folk as well. :D Perhaps you will have multiple suitors calling upon you around this time- Knight of Cups actually getting your attention... does that sound like X? If not, then I like your interpretation too- all the Knights showing different aspects of X. Perhaps X will be struggling with moving forward with you in some way, not sure it's the best thing for him to do somehow (Lovers/Knight of Pents), but will make a sweet or romantic gesture that you accept (Knight of Cups/6 of Cups) and will be doing the happy dance (Knight of Wands).

liberated inferno

Yes, I'd agree with 6 weeks... I'm just wondering why so many knights. I was going to say a social gathering of some kind, but that doesn't quite make sense since you've only got guys here and social gatherings surely include some women-folk as well. :D Perhaps you will have multiple suitors calling upon you around this time- Knight of Cups actually getting your attention... does that sound like X? If not, then I like your interpretation too- all the Knights showing different aspects of X. Perhaps X will be struggling with moving forward with you in some way, not sure it's the best thing for him to do somehow (Lovers/Knight of Pents), but will make a sweet or romantic gesture that you accept (Knight of Cups/6 of Cups) and will be doing the happy dance (Knight of Wands).

X is definitely a Knight of Cups guy in the majority. But these are all facets of him. I'm much more fiery and restless than he is, he's much more thoughtful and slow paced. But I'm really happy to see how he will make a romantic gesture because I was starting to wonder about him! I can see how he can be in a state of introspection wondering if this is the right move and i totally understand that! So, forgive me, but he will have decided that it would be the best thing to move forward with me, right?

I also love seeing the pace of the timing progress: there is the introspection period (Lovers), then taking the small, measured steps (Knight/Pents) to finally going full throttle with the gesture (Knight/Cups).

How does the knight of Wands equal the happy dance? I would think that would be a 6/wands because this Knight is so sexual. Oh well, maybe because he "scored" with the romantic gesture?

Also, I just noticed how the 6/Cups ties back to the Lovers card, whoa!
Thanks Amanda, I appreciate your help!


X is definitely a Knight of Cups guy in the majority. But these are all facets of him. I'm much more fiery and restless than he is, he's much more thoughtful and slow paced. But I'm really happy to see how he will make a romantic gesture because I was starting to wonder about him! I can see how he can be in a state of introspection wondering if this is the right move and i totally understand that! So, forgive me, but he will have decided that it would be the best thing to move forward with me, right?

No actually, he will not have completely decided that's the best idea... it's more on a whim and hoping for the best- hence the happy dance at the end of your throw.

How does the knight of Wands equal the happy dance? I would think that would be a 6/wands because this Knight is so sexual. Oh well, maybe because he "scored" with the romantic gesture?

Scored with the romantic gesture, yes. :D The Knight of Wands falls on the end of the spread, and when a card falls on the end of a spread it sometimes indicates to me that the "goal" found in the meaning of the card has been achieved. The goal of the Knight of Wands is to escape from a difficult situation into a better one. It shows how difficult it was for X to make the gesture, but since you will be receptive, he will be happy he took the risk and came out pretty good.

Also, I just noticed how the 6/Cups ties back to the Lovers card, whoa!
Thanks Amanda, I appreciate your help!

No problem! :)


I just stumbled across this thread -- awesome stuff, Amanda! But, what if your seeker should ask something like 'when will I get a boyfriend' ....and the timing card would appear to be the 5 of Pentacles (because the wands card is a little hard to believe)? I don't know about predicting 5 year intervals for someone lol


I just stumbled across this thread -- awesome stuff, Amanda! But, what if your seeker should ask something like 'when will I get a boyfriend' ....and the timing card would appear to be the 5 of Pentacles (because the wands card is a little hard to believe)? I don't know about predicting 5 year intervals for someone lol

So far, the longest time frame that I've been given was 7 years for someone. It just depends on the person and whatever issues they face to get to the point they are asking about and looking forward to. I would most-likely stick to the method, unless I felt the cards were really, really trying to get some other message across. However, if the number 5 is prominent in your spread, then perhaps that is more significant. Like the 5th month of the year (May) or 5th day of a month. I usually don't deviate from the method as I've laid it out- 5 of Pentacles is 5 years to me, I wouldn't change it to weeks or months just because the 5 of Wands seems too short and the 5 of Pentacles too long. Instead, I would simply consider the 5 and what significance that might have.