Reading knights as a change?


I think your right about change. Since it's a story, you might want to readd the Knights as people and as change. I don't see anything long-term this month.

Yes, I mean before finding out long-term or not, a meeting has to occur first and then getting to know the person and then dating and then deciding or not to continue the relationship. I mean this is how I see things.
I've never had the Wheel as the final card so I just assume that It's a turning point and we don't really know what the next chapter is.
I will update after the end of January.


Hi Laurence, to me it looks like you'll feel quite active and fast-paced this month: you'll be keen to go out and meet people, maybe in a straightforward manner (online dating, Tinder, speed dating...) but no one particular will yet catch your interest. Or, you meet someone who's equally fast-paced in their passion and/or words (either Knight of Swords or Wands). There can be a one night romance coming up (Knight of Wands).
I also thought about meeting someone who is a mix-up of wands and swords , I think It's something to consider. I will definately be going out more often this month (no online, I've suscribed to a dating site a few weeks ago and It's not my cup of tea, I don't recognise myself in those kind of approach but at least I've tried and who knows?)
It's possible to read court cards as situations or energy, but for me they 99% of times mean people or aspects of someone's (my own or other person's) personality or behaviour.
So many readers tend to see them as aspects or people. To me Knights are a bit different from the others courts
The Wheel at the end tells that this period of fast paced action is "destined", it will bring change in your life and this change can have long term impact. Note that the change is not necessarily outward. It can mean that you change as a person, based on how you interact and who you meet. But change it is all the same and it's something that "meant" to happen for your future's path.
I also feel a destiny theme with the Wheel. And well spot on when you say that It can be inward as I've been evolving and progressing in my life so I'm not attracted to the same kind of people than before. And change is necessary if i want to proceed differently (obviously!).

Thank you very much for your take!


I can't wait for the end of the month to see whether those Knights appear as real people or not.

Let us know! I just did a reading for me about a new job and I got the exact same Knights as you, plus some pages and a queen, it was overwhelming to see all that people coming into my life, but I really like your interpretation about them representing situations, since being in a new job definitely can bring everything that you find in those Knights.



So I met someone during the 3rd week of january and we started dating in the very beginning of February.
So to me, the 2 Knights represent a change of circonstances which happened rather quickly. The man character can be a mix of wands and Swords but he's 40 years old so I don't think they were pointing to his personality but to how my situation were evolving.
The Wheel is probably indicating a change of status, another cycle is on Its way.

Thank you all for your contribution.