Why was King Tut's tomb not desecrated by tomb robbers?


This is outside the square...


On reading more it seems a lot of the items in his tomb in fact belonged to others and even a part of his coffin didn't match as well as one mask or cover...different face on it or something.

Some gold item with his name on it was found in a tiny empty tomb and the cup/pottery was found near the tomb of Ramses II.

What if he was moved and reburied to keep him safe with what could be salvaged from other raided tombs?

The walls of symbols in his burial chambers were done in haste which could have occurred due to his unexpected death, but also if he was relocated into an existing tomb that had already been robbed before.

Never know...in 3000 years anything could have taken place. :)


Adding: Robbed or occupied.

Alot of the writing on the walls was not connected to him at all but someone else only whoevers name was there before - was scratched out.

Could have been Ay as it was in a non royal part of the valley and Ay was common born, however, it still doesn't really explain why Tut (although a young pharaoh with a short lived role as a ruler) would have been placed there.

Why not added to one of his parents tombs?

Unless his devoted priests were trying to keep him from being destroyed by Horemheb.

He, I think, was the one who tried to erase Tut and Ay from history.

STORKS also can be about changes in seasons.

FISH is related to Feb/Mar, water signs like Pisces, wealth or abundance, and even water itself. (Other meanings too).

Although a solid flood system was in place for the tombs this stopped around Tuts time and his burial.

If water is out it could still leave wealth or abundance.

So, maybe another reason his tomb wasn't desecrated was due to the fact that there was more wealth and abundance in the larger tombs surrounding it and the ones that were in the "royal sections".

Im wondering if the non royal tombs might have been kept simple rather than decked out in solid gold and treasures galore etc.

I read one tomb had and still has over 150 chambers or rooms. :bugeyed:

Tuts only had about 6.

This is outside the square...


On reading more it seems a lot of the items in his tomb in fact belonged to others and even a part of his coffin didn't match as well as one mask or cover...different face on it or something.

Some gold item with his name on it was found in a tiny empty tomb and the cup/pottery was found near the tomb of Ramses II.

What if he was moved and reburied to keep him safe with what could be salvaged from other raided tombs?

The walls of symbols in his burial chambers were done in haste which could have occurred due to his unexpected death, but also if he was relocated into an existing tomb that had already been robbed before.

Never know...in 3000 years anything could have taken place. :)


Googled " Construction of royal and non royal tombs", but will add link when on PC .

States "non royal tombs" were the only tombs never robbed.

Also, they were smaller and simple not lavish at all unless one was extremely wealthy.