Health Spread suggestions?


Can anyone suggest a good health spread, for myself, not other people.

Specifically I am interested in determining the reasons why, the lesson/s I am not learning/still have to learn and what I need to do (mentally/emotionally/physically) to break free of a repeated cycle I am in...if I can indeed break free of it in the future.


The Infinity Fortress spread, or the Devil May Care spread in the spread index forum came to mind for me in regards to what you are asking. If you can't use them completely, you might be able to tweak them to suit your particular situation better.


Thankyou both for the links, Amanda I searched but could not find either of the spreads you mentioned.

I didn't find anything that was specifically relevant but have come up with this spread based on a combination of several others.

Its the first spread I have created and I havn't tried it yet so would welcome any input. I have placed the 1 and 7 cards in their respective positions because the answer to 1 is my top priority and 7 is the foundation of the lessons that I need to learn...this might not be the correct way of doing it, but it makes sense to me;)

Understanding Health Issues

Shadow/Base card

1. What do I need to know about the cause of these injuries/illness?
2. What was the meaning of these injuries/illness?
3. What lesson do I need to learn from my experience with these injuries/illness?
4. What karmic factors brought them into my life?
5. What needs to be done (Advice) for the short term (right now)?
6. What needs to be done (Advice) for the long term (to prevent the problem in the future)
7. Outcome

Shadow/Base card: The unknown, hidden factor/something I am denying, afraid or unaware of. The ultimate answer or cause.


I think the spread you've come up with seems really good! It's probably better than my suggestions.

But just for curiousity's sake, I'll go ahead and link them for you or whoever else might be reading this thread in the future. :) I told you wrong, too. Sorry. I was trying to do the search in the index, but it was much easier to do the search here in the spreads forum (you can probably tell I don't use the search function much, myself. :D )

Infinity Fortress Spread

The Devil May Care


Thankyou so much for those links Amanda, I didn't realise you could search in just one section, I was searching the whole forum and it came up with everything but the two spreads.

Just looking at those two spreads, I can see why you suggested them and that I can alter them slightly to suit my situation. In the last six months I have continually injured my legs and back eight times...I literally have not gone one single day pain free before re-injuring myself.

You could say I am now very frustrated and fed up at my inability to learn whatever lesson the universe is trying to teach me...apparently its not the lesson about being tough and continuing doing everything that needs to be done.


Thankyou so much for those links Amanda, I didn't realise you could search in just one section, I was searching the whole forum and it came up with everything but the two spreads.

Just looking at those two spreads, I can see why you suggested them and that I can alter them slightly to suit my situation. In the last six months I have continually injured my legs and back eight times...I literally have not gone one single day pain free before re-injuring myself.

You could say I am now very frustrated and fed up at my inability to learn whatever lesson the universe is trying to teach me...apparently its not the lesson about being tough and continuing doing everything that needs to be done.

Oh my goodness! Well, I'll tell you what I know. Accidents can be physical expressions of anger, frustration, or rebellion that we're holding in, and it's just waiting to burst out in some way. The upper back has to do with needing emotional support. The middle of the back has to do with guilt, and the lower back has to do with burnout/money worries. Problems with the legs have to do with how we carry ourselves in life... pain manifesting in the body is sometimes guilt we carry showing up physically. Since you keep injuring your legs, maybe you are subconsciously trying to stop yourself from moving forward in a certain direction. Like say, you keep accidentally injuring your legs and your lower back hurts all the time. Maybe you are stuck in a dead-end job that doesn't pay well and stresses you out, but you have to (or at least have convinced yourself that you have to) keep moving forward with it.

Perhaps a spread could be made out of these symbolic sources of your troubles... like if it's your upper back that's hurting, perhaps you could ask a question in a spread like, "Where do I need emotional support in my life?" - Just some thoughts! :)