How to find Free eBooks



This information may be well known to some, but I would like to share it anyways. There are actually quite a few Ebooks on Tarot, and other topics that are posted free online. Sometimes finding these books can be a bit challenging when using a normal search engine. I would like to share my method of researching.

There are quite a few specialized search engines that are designed to help you find books and documents. Most commonly, they will be in the (.PDF) format, but can also be in other formats. If you need further explanation on document formats, I would suggest Googling it. There is a mountain of information on just that topic alone.

**How to find free eBooks**

(Step 1): Find a PDF search engine

This can be done by simply going to your favorite search engine such as Google, and typing in the key words, "PDF Search Engine". After doing so you will get a list of suggestions.

(Step 2): Pick a search engine from the list

I suggest trying a few different choices, not all work the same, and eventually you will find one you like. If you need an example, I suggest the following.

(Step 3): Define your search

Once you are at the search page, type in your topic in the search box. Simply using the word, "Tarot" will do, but getting creative and using additional words will provide further results.


Most of the books and documents you find will be free, and most likely a bit out of date; but in my opinion it's worth looking at. You may just find a gem that is packed full of the information you were looking for. Most of the books can be viewed online directly through your browser; although if you would like a copy for yourself, just click the download arrow at the top of the page. This research method has been useful to me for quite a few years, and I hope it proves to be useful to others too.

