Crossing the Bridge


This spread is part mine, part Celtic Cross, and part Bridge spread (from the book the Power Tarot)


After you lay out the general spread you go over the spead again laying a card sideways across each card. I normally lay the cards on top as I go through the spread. Sometimes I will also place a new foundation with it's helping/hindering card after I'm done with the spread (If I feel it calls for it).

1: The foundation of the question

2 and 3: The past surrounding the question

4 and 5: The present surrounding the question

6 and 7: The future surrounding the question

The cards you lay sideways over each card repesent something that helps, hinders or explains more upon the situation.

Sample reading of my life:

1: Six of Wands covered by Six of Pentacles- My life is based on compromises. I'm doing well, but I'm selling myself short by making compromises instead of keeping faith I'll get something better.

2: Ace of Cups covered by Three of Wands- There has been a lot of bottled up emotions that are still waiting to be released.

3: Three of Swords covered by King of Pentacles- There has been a strong seperation from a very influential authority figure. He was always one who gave the sage advice. He was also one who was doing well financially. (I take this to be my dad. My parents got divorced when Iwas younger, and he always made more money than my mom).

4: King of Cups covered by Two of Swords- Now's a time I should listening to my emotions and asserting my independence, but I need decide what it is I want, and to be brave enough to take steps toward that, no matter how hard it is.

5: Three of Pentacles covered by Ace of Pentacles- Financial success is coming through new job oppurtunities coming my way.

6: Eight of Swords covered by Ace of Wands- There's going to be a feeling of being bound by fear, but there are going to be oppurtunities presented to face my fears and help me clear them from my life so they no longer bother me.

7: The Fool covered by The Devil- A new journey is coming my way. A journey that will help me set my life in the direction that I want. But with all journey there will be a temptation to stray from the perfection I want to create for myself. I will just have to make sure I don't limit myself by thinking negatively.

1 (new foundation): Eight of Wands covered by Judgement: Once I start this new journey they way I will start building a life based on my spiritual truths and beliefs, even in the hustle and bustle of the city which tends to go against my nature-oriented beliefs.