What do I say? Spread


I made this spread for a particular person in mind. Both times that I've used the spread with two different decks, I've come up with confusing results. Given the fact this person is a constain confusion for me I am asking a few of you would use the spread and see what type of results you get. Reason being: If you get confusing results too, I know it is the spread that is bad. If you don't, then it is just the person that I made the spread for.

What do I say? Spread




(of course feel free to use what every you like, this is just both patterns that I used)​

1) How do I need to act when speaking to this person?
2) What is the most important thing I need to say?
3) What is the thing that I most want to get across?
4) What is the least important thing I need to say?
5) What should I avoid saying entirely? (yes I do actually need that one)
6) Advice on speaking to this person?
7) Outcome of speaking to this person

Thank you!!! Tabi


This sounds like an interesting spread- something a person could really use when talking to the person they like, haha. Or even like, a boss at work.
I might have to try it. I'll write it down now, and if I have the time tonight I'll test it out :)


I am going to do this spread tonight after the kids are in bed. I have the perfect situation........Meeting with the principal on Friday.


My original response to this spread/thread was lost in the crash. I laid out the spread with my Transparent Tarot, using 3 cards in each position. I didn't have time to interpret the spread that night, but giving it a quick once over, the information provided by the cards was relevant.

I only just today got around to interpreting the cards. And the information they provide in relation to the spread positions is on point.

This is definitely a useful spread, and I intend to use it again whenever the chance presents itself.



rwcarter said:
My original response to this spread/thread was lost in the crash. I laid out the spread with my Transparent Tarot, using 3 cards in each position. I didn't have time to interpret the spread that night, but giving it a quick once over, the information provided by the cards was relevant.

I only just today got around to interpreting the cards. And the information they provide in relation to the spread positions is on point.

This is definitely a useful spread, and I intend to use it again whenever the chance presents itself.


No worries, I'm glad the spread was of some use to you. I rather was thinking it was simply the person in general.


ariela said:
I am going to do this spread tonight after the kids are in bed. I have the perfect situation........Meeting with the principal on Friday.

Hopefully the principal's visit was productive and not too bad. :)


Well, I used it and I must say that the result was a confirmation of things I already knew and things other spreads enlight, so I think this spread is not confusing at all...

I Wrote it in my BBBLD (Big Black Book o' Lovin' Disasters) :)



Hiya Tabi - I've just had a shot at this spread, and got some very telling results. One thing I wasn't so sure on was the two of swords for 'what is the most important thing I need to say' - or maybe that's telling me that I souldn;t try avoiding her.


Just my 2 cents...
Maybe you have to trick and make her believe you're not quite sure about this relationship?


I did a little reading and it confirmed what I already knew, mostly. :D I was a little thrown when Justice appeared in the 'What is the thing I most want to get across?' position. I guess I didn't realize I was so concerned with the "fairness" of the whole situation, I wants my just deserts!! All in all, an interesting spread, tabi.