A New Kind of Astrological Spread


In popular astrological parlance, months and signs form a kind of monolithic structure: April is Aries, May is Taurus, June is Gemini. But in fact, each month is a blending of two-thirds of one sign and one-third of another. So when drawing a card to represent a month, it seems to me it would be better to draw two cards to reflect the transition (I'm not going into decans here). I joined this idea with that of calendar months and quarters to create a quarterly/monthly 9-card look-ahead spread that is also flexible enough to be used as 3-card monthly sets, 18-card semi-annual sets and 36-card annual sets. My thinking is that it will be most useful at the monthly and quarterly levels. The idea is to treat the calendar-based cards as "tone" for the period and the zodiacal cards as "snapshots" showing more detail. The instructions for use are all on the spread layout.

I haven't tried it out yet but will soon.


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