The Moon and Knight of Swords have turned up in different readings.


Hi all,

I am learning how to ask better questions as well as interpreting meanings of tarot cards from the RW deck. So I have done a few readings in the past two months around the relationship that I have with has been platonic, but we almost crossed the line once. Interestingly, The Moon and Knight of Swords have frequently appeared, together and separate.

The very first time that I got both cards together was when I asked what would happen if I choose to stay with this person. Knight of Swords turned up in a "pros" position, and the Moon was in an advice position. From my understanding, Knight of Swords here told me that I would feel swept off my feet and possibly a thrill in this relationship. The Moon, on the other hand, advised me to keep in touch with my own thoughts and feelings. Maybe it would not be what I want to do.

The second time that both of them appeared together was when I did a deception-perception-clarification-reflection spread (designed by @adisguise---thank you by the way, it's really neat!). The Moon turned up in a deception position (what I believe is true, but is false in this relationship). Knight of Swords was placed in a perception position (what I believe is false, but is true in this relationship). The way I see the Moon here is that the tensions between this person and I, which I thought was my imagination, is actually not my imagination. Knight of Swords in this position is something I struggle with. When I saw this card, swiftness and jumping the gun came to my mind. Then, I thought about this relationship. This person and I agreed to keep it platonic, and it had always been...or at least I thought....that way. I don't think this person has hots for me, maybe I was wrong?

I also drew Knight of Swords when I asked how I affect this person mentally. Looking at the card, something is definitely going on. However, I have a hard time understanding this. I have no idea which person the knight represents--myself or the other party.

The way I see the Moon is very internal; it has something to do with our subconsciousness and spirituality. I also relate this card with anxiety, fear, dreams, and imagination. I am unable to see deception through the Moon, but maybe something that is hidden and is illuminated through different light. This card so far speaks to me very strongly about knowing myself.

Knight of Swords, on the other hand, is so difficult for me to comprehend. Judging from his look, he is courageous. I am not sure if he is actually impatient, but he definitely gets things done quickly regardless of what he has to face. Since air element is so strong in this card, the knight seems to be pretty volatile to me. If there are any emotions, they are unpredictable.

Since they have appeared together twice now, I think they are screaming at me at this point. I just have a hard time understanding this knight and make connections with the Moon. So any insights are highly appreciated!


Perhaps the knight of swords is showing you that this guy holds no cups for you but just wants action, perhaps the mental "banter" that flirtation brings ? I feel he knows that he has an effect on you and I wonder if he uses his words and wit and that leaves you "howling at the moon" I know this is a basic view -but it's the positions that add depth to readings for me. As a combo I believe it's saying he is "playing with you mentally" causing you to ruminate about him. Others may see a different view of this combination. X


Perhaps the knight of swords is showing you that this guy holds no cups for you but just wants action, perhaps the mental "banter" that flirtation brings ? I feel he knows that he has an effect on you and I wonder if he uses his words and wit and that leaves you "howling at the moon" I know this is a basic view -but it's the positions that add depth to readings for me. As a combo I believe it's saying he is "playing with you mentally" causing you to ruminate about him. Others may see a different view of this combination. X

Wow....I haven't seen it in that light before. When the knight turned up during my first reading, I saw more of a fling than a sustainable relationship. Come to think of it, I have seen this card being associated with a player before. So far, I have been very skeptical and do nothing about it.

I am going to sit with this point of view and see how it changes my overall readings. Thank you!