What Do You Do With Your Majors Only?


Well, so a friend just asked about the Majors only project I told him few months ago. To be honest, I kind of forgotten about that deck, but dusted off the notes, sketches and concepts and think "This isn't that bad." (put it aside because I thought the concept as silly and pointless)

So I'm thinking of doing it anyway, and realize there's not much chance to submit the deck to publishers (being Majors only). So, should I just treat them as a series of artwork and put them in my gallery? Try to find art deck publishers?

What do you do with your Majors only? I'm curious of the options~ : ]


Do it. If only for yourself.

Sometimes doing the majors sparks off the rest of the deck or at least the aces, perhaps the court. Go with it. You never know where it'll lead you.

fly well