Your Favorite Spread for the Faeries Oracles

Wisp Wings

Well, since I am new to my deck and all, plus this section seems to be in a lull again... I thought it would be great if those of you who have had your dear faery friends (of this deck) for some time to share with us your favorite spread you use with them. Please be detailed in how to position them, giving the layout and the positions meanings. Add anything else you feel would be useful to know too.

Ohhhhh by the way, my deck has their selected fabric as now being their newly made bag and are happy with it. When I said it was suede, it isn't truly. It is faux suede. It turned out to be a beautiful bag too. lol.

I am looking forward to reading and collecting some great spread from you all and sure others will be too. Also looking forward to the time I can be adding my favorite spread to use with them here.


The Faery Oak Ring

Actually, i can't take credit for this one, This spread was originally a spread that Jewel posted. (where is she anyways?) In any case, here it goes.


wow, that was hard, ok here it goes.

1. Physical Surroundings/influences, material matter
2. The root of your personality and approach - subconcious
3. Intellectual basis of the question, and insights into the
4. Emotional matters, relationships and love
5. Matters you need to bring into balance
6. Lessons that need to be learned in order to grow and move
7. The best way for you to direct your energies
8. What you intuitively know
9. Action you need to take
10. THe heart of the matter

THis spread has worked really well for me in doing reading for other people. Thanks Jewel for posting it originally!

Wisp Wings

Thank you Sagitarian

Hi Sagitarian:

Thank you for posting this and Jewel want to thank you for originally having posted it. I bet a lot of people will be trying this one out. I know I will try it in the future. Looks like a very good and detailed spread.

Thank you, thank you for sharing.

Wisp Wings

The Daily Digest Spread

Since I haven't one for use directly with the Faeries, I am posting a spread I authored almost a year ago. It is called "The Daily Digest". Think of it in terms as a newspaper for yourself. If you aren't one to do daily spreads due to time, use this as your Sunday paper. :) In this spread you are using combinations for each position. The first card of each position is seen as the stronger one with the second card adding in the detail.


Odd numbers are seen as stronger, whereas the even numbers are seen as being the details.

Positions and the meanings of them:

1 and 2 -- Personal Daily. The cards directly for yourself, your need to know cards of the day.

3 and 4 -- Spouse's Daily. This is for SPOUSE or your MAIN PERSON within your life at the time. What is going on in their day. Use it in relation of how to best work with your this person you have in your life for the day.

5 and 6 -- Circle of Contact. Daily cards relating to those in your little corner of the world. People that are within your world directly - so this is family, friends, (even internet friends) and co-workers. More than anything else this is seen as OTHER MEMBERS WITHIN YOUR HOUSEHOLD AND ALMOST EQUALLY AS YOUR EXTENDED FAMILY, (family now outside of the walls of your home).

7 and 8 -- The Big World. Daily, the news or the pulse, just the feel of the people within your community, your state, the nation, and/or the world at large.


Wisp wings I love your "Digest" spread! What a neat idea! I've got to get my journal for that one ... ;).

Blessings ~!

Wisp Wings

More Info on "The Daily Digest" Spread

POSITIONAL PLACEMENT....Why that I put the placement of positions in the way that I did........

Cards 1 and 2 ...being your own cards for yourself, they need to be your CENTER, to help center yourself and to help guide your inner person.

Cards 3 and 4 ...being above your cards holds the position for that one person in your life that has your love and admiration, ... the WHO YOU LOOK UP TO, so you have this as being above.

Cards 5 and 6 ...your Circle of Contact cards, they are below you as your anchors, your support system. These are the people that uplift you, that have been part of your FOUNDATION and your true blue friends.

Cards 7 and 8 The Big World. As far as the east, as far as the west our world is all EMCOMPASSING. This position is very much the pulse of the people, whether it is your community, state, nation, or the whole world. (This if used daily, you will see it vary on if it's news near you or if like a major world news story. It's very interesting!)

NOTE** Positions 3 and 4, this is most certainly for the one person or few people that are the most important in your life at the time. Refer back to the description of it. It can work with being a variety of individuals given the Querent's status in life at the moment. Examples...if you are a person that is a single parent and at the moment you aren't interested in anyone else, then this position is your child/children, it can at times be only one child or other times all of your children. If you are a young person still living at home with your parents, (even at times if you are dating), this position can be your parents.... and probably should be the one/s you look up to the most. The same if you are having to live with elderly parents and you haven't a significant other. I have no problem with 3 and 4, as it is always my husband. But what happens for me often in positions 5 and 6 would happen with 3 and 4, for the instances I gave. Very often you will draw and know immediately between the two card combination exactly who this position is talking about. Example of myself since I am in an empty nest situation, one day the positions of 5 and 6 will be about my children, or just one of them, another day it will be about my sister, and another time about my mother, next it is a friend of mine. Since this is a NEWS spread, it general tends to be centered around when someone is having an event happening or there is great concern for the person.

If you do hit on a time where you can't say for sure exactly who it is telling you about, be sure to make a note of it and then sit back and see. I've had lots of fun on that part too. :)

Wisp Wings

Thank you Alissa, glad you like it! :)


This is one I have been playing with....not sure I have the questions quite right or the relationship between the cards as clearly defined as I'd like.


I call it a Negative Positive Spread:

1. Where you want or need to be.

2. A negative aspect that is impacting you or the situation.

3. & 4. You can view these as two key points that may be in conflict with each other in some way. Navigating this conflict is essential to proceeding.

5. Something that needs to increase or be developed to help resolve the conflict between 3 & 4. (a positive)

6. This card connects to number 1 and together the two create a better or higher level or a resolution to a troubling situation.

7. Advice