4 of pentacles


Besides being grounded and establishing a solid foundation, sometimes it can represent a person who is closing his/her heart chakra and crown chakra. The pentacle is covering the heart and top of the head.


To me:
4s are about stability structure strength

Pents have to do with material and physical endeavors...

So 4 of Pents upright could indicate strong steady stable efforts in whatever one is working on or towards...
Reversed 4 of Pents could indicates instability or insecurity in material or physical endeavors...


I just got this in a reading for a person holding on to another person with all their might. Bad situation, stalking is going to be involved in the future =(


I've often had problems with this card, but suddenly hearing abrac's view...government official....then yes I agree. The crown, nothing ornamental, the city behind him, the way he holds that pentacle like a badge. He could signify a tax official or someone to do with customs and excise. If this card came up with Chariot I would see him as possibly something to do with the DVLC, because of the way he is seated along with his arm and feet positions.
Another reason for officialdom would be his cape or cloak. On my card it looks like a fur of some kind with a lining of black spots on a red background.
His cuffs are alternate colours too...just noticed this.
He is seated, but even so he appears to be short in stature because of the way his feet are displayed.
Any ideas what it is that he is sitting on?


This is a really interesting close look at the 4 of pentacles. I think of Scrooge, for the reasons previously given. The gesture is possessiveness, not an open interest and compassionate caring. It's grounded in greed.


I have had this card come up for someone who works in a bank. Not just a teller, a loans manager.


The man who finds security in material things and money.

Tax man.


Great pic cdabs....shouldn't have trouble with 4 Pents in future.
The sacks of money this guy is clutching to his bosom could very well signify the tax man! :)



Mammon & Four Of Pentacles

Yep...it could be the tax man, but this card always represents greed to me or someone holding on too tightly to material things. Money is on his brain (hence, the pent on top of his head)....always. He clutches it....in an encircling manner...he holds it down and has it as his "base," of sorts, with his feet. He does wear a crown...signifying some sort of authority, but he has no "mantle of maintenance" like the Kings of each suit. He doesn't look happy or sad, but somewhere in-between...kind of a blank stare.

Gloria, you sent the "answers.com" link and I read the info there (thanks!)...it says "Mammon" is mentioned/personified in the Bible (oddly, in the FOUR Gospels)....as greed or a negative god/master....something opposing God. I think our man sitting on his cold, gray block (is that another little lemniscate near his right knee?)..http://learntarot.com/bigjpgs/pents04.jpg with all limbs touching pents...and having a pent on top of his head....lives for and is ruled by his his master: money. This could be why he sits so far out from the town/city in the background...he's not connected with people or emotions...but is emotionally cold or dead...an extreme position of seeking out materialism rather than having a balance in his life. Robin Wood has this guy as an old, decrepit man....darkened and isolated by his greed.