Have you ever been a deck snob?


sravana said:
I am most definitely an unrepentant tarot snob. So there!
Me too. I keep my opinions to myself.


\m/ Kat


I guess I'm a snob in a way- I inwardly rolled my eyes when a friend gave me a Doreen Virtue deck- but then again, I do like "fluffy" looking decks, like the Llewellyn and the Mystic Faerie. For me, I guess it's more about what works, vs. what doesn't work. Llewellyn works really well for me- everything just gels nicely, and it just plain works. Castelli's Art Nouveau is equally pretty, but the only thing I get out of that deck is prettiness without substance.

But then, I will admit that I would have a hard time concentrating on a deck that was ugly. :D Not mentioning any names, of course...


i used to worry about deck snobs... my first two decks were the haindl (not worried) and the tarot nova (er? should i tell people i'm using this?) and i just didn't know how people would take it when i pulled out this little square thing with cartoony drawings all over it.

i quickly realized that A) i lovelovelove them both and B) since i care very little what others think of my taste in other areas, why care about this one?

turns out the answer is that i'm a bit of a deck snob myself. :laugh: it's mostly for myself, though... some of the art or entire themes just turn me right off, and i'm not at all sure i could put them aside to get a reading.

after my experience with the moon garden, however, i'm willing to try. there are just some i wouldn't want to spend money for. heh.

(otb: thorhammer! no more 'shroom? :D)


I guess I am a deck snob. If I went for a tarot reading and they brought out an Oracle, I'd question it and probably leave. I know Oracles can and do give just as good readings as tarot but I think I'd consider it an insult to my intelligence that the reader thought I wouldn't know.

And since I'm getting rid of most of my decks in favour of the chosen few - yep, I guess I'm a deck snob!


I suppose I am a deck snob...
My pet peeves are: decks that look like a kid drew them (especially humans all out of proportion), very busy artwork crammed into a card without any sense of space or balance; decks that look as if someone has just learnt how to use photoshop; and decks that look like a set of erotic pin-up cards.

Yuck to all those although I know people use them successfully and maybe even like them. So to each their own...
Would I like them to read for me with those decks ? Erm, maybe if I did not know that was the deck they were using :D


Ive been watching this thread and have always thought that i could never be like that!! All decks are amazing!! But after sitting thinking now i realise, how i am lying to myself lol! If someone i know pulled out a deck i had'nt seen before, i'd be excited at first, but then think Rider waite or Thoth is so much better...
(so embarrassed lol)


I have to admit I can be a bit of a snob in this regard. I know that you can read with any deck, but I have inwardly rolled my eyes at some of the decks I've seen people use (I'm not naming names).

But more than this I'm a snob with the decks I use. I have a few 'closet' favourites that I tend to keep a bit quiet about. They are not the kind of decks that I really like, but they read like a dream and, well they kind of remind me of the old t-shirts I wear to bed, comfortable but ugly, I wouldn't sleep in anything else...... unless I had visitors of course!


stefficus said:
i used to worry about deck snobs... my first two decks were the haindl (not worried) and the tarot nova (er? should i tell people i'm using this?) and i just didn't know how people would take it when i pulled out this little square thing with cartoony drawings all over it.

i quickly realized that A) i lovelovelove them both and B) since i care very little what others think of my taste in other areas, why care about this one?

You *can* square it with yourself, if you keep telling yourself that black is the new black, and the simple images are classier and more austere than busier decks, and thus require greater skill of the reader.

Did you know there's a version of this where the entire deck is about the size of the top joint of a fairly small-handed woman's index finger??? gorgeous. A whole Celtic Cross in every tablespoon, and a 33 card karma spread in a saucer.


I'm a deck snob only where really, really fluffy decks are concerned. I really can't be having with fairy, unicorn or angel decks, and Dorothy's Whimsical is only allowed in my collection because she is a really dear friend - and despite its sugar-almond colours it actually works.


KarlThomas said:
She does not delve into meanings or positions, simply creates a fan, telling me I am basically a good person, but I've had my difficulties. Like the understanding that you've just stepped in something wet and your socks will not recover soon, it gradually dawns she is a total scammer, who doesn't know suits from shinola. Confirmation comes in her attempts to upsell me to a $200 aura cleansing.

Love it!

I do have a bit of a thing about the Doreen decks - I just find it hard to take them seriously. But anything else is probably okay by me. The only thing I did recoil from a bit was a lady running a Roma shop here who told me she reads with "the original Roma cards" then showed me the Piatnik Art Deco deck. Hmmm. I passed on the reading.