Attracted to a particular card?


I'm attracted to the Queen of Swords, the Fool and the Death card...not completely sure why



Hm, I've always felt a special connection to the chariot and the hermit but cards I'm attracted to, such as two of swords and three of wands, I think represent my ideals and hopes rather than any aspect of my personality (while the chariot and the hermit certenly represent aspects of who I am).

Major Tom

Sushi said:
What would you say it means if you're attracted to a particular card? Is it that you identify with it ? Or would it be that you need more of its energy in your life?

That's a very interesting question Sushi.

It could be that you identify with it or that you need it or even that you aspire to it. Every case will be different because every person is different.

Finding the card that repels you or frightens you can have the same sorts of meanings. Lots of folks find when they're first starting out that they are afraid of their own shadow (card). :laugh:


I've always been attracted to Strength card... and High Priestess in Mythic... Moon in Celtic.

Tho' I get Hermit and Moon a lot in my reading whichever deck I may use... Looks like the cards are attracted to me ;-)


I am attracted to the Temperance card in my Tarot of a Moon Garden. Not sure exactly why. Maybe I need a better balance of something in my and play? ;) Too bad I never see this card in my readings though!


Sushi said:
What would you say it means if you're attracted to a particular card? Is it that you identify with it ? Or would it be that you need more of its energy in your life?

Me, I find myself really liking the 8 of wands lately. Maybe I should dig a little deeper into its meaning.

I have two suggestions:
a) Do a Tarot reading and ask why you are drawn to it, what you need from it?
b) meditate on the card.

My guess is likely that it has qualities you need to learn from, that you need more of in your life. I know I have often felt attracted to people in my life for those very reasons.

Me it's the High Priestess. And she is my Soul Card, so there is definitely a connection there. It is definitely both a part of myself that I embrace and want to deepen in my life.


The High Priestes

The Sun always gives me a very happy feeling, even when I am down or even depressed, The Sun can always cheer me up. It's kinda scary sometimes, but I think I'ts good. I can really feel the energy when I hold that card. And I have always felt attractred to The High Priestess, I've been told that this is also my destiny card.


See, a lot of people posting have brought up trumps they're attracted to. And as one said it because they are a ideals to aspire to, which is another reason I started this thread. I thought it was a little different to be attracted to a pip.


Sushi said:
See, a lot of people posting have brought up trumps they're attracted to. And as one said it because they are a ideals to aspire to, which is another reason I started this thread. I thought it was a little different to be attracted to a pip.

I find the reverse - pips and courts make more sense to me than Trumps. Trumps are the bare-bones - the pips and courts are like the flesh on the skeleton.

Of my last few favourite cards, only one has been a trump, one is a court, and the other two are humble pips. (I do a "favourite card" exercise with each new deck, selecting - by artwork alone - which card attracts me most.)