Multi deck spread


Here is a spread Ive been working on mainly for self readings.

First you need 4 decks... and some time.

Lay each deck vertically one above the other.

Form and think about your question while you shuffle each deck one at a time.

Then cut each deck as you prefer one at a time.

Then from the top deck lay out the top 3 cards to the left.

Then repeat with the second, third and forth deck.

Check the 12 cards for any cards that repeat (that there is more than one of the same value) this is going to form your string to read. Put them to one side and lay them out in a line left to right, still keeping each deck one above the other.

Repeat this until all the cards are down (this equals 26 times)

Read the cards you found multiples of from left to right, using which ever method you are comfortable with.

First I look at how many majors, minors and courts to see the main influence, then suits (and lack of any suits) then add up all values to gain an overall view from the corresponding major. The string can be seen as in order, like a time line or you can use ED's to clarify which are the important points.

You can use 4 of the same deck or 4 totally different decks (which makes spotting multiple interesting, and gives you a great chance to compare your decks)

Any thoughts, suggestions or criticisms welcome.