Antidepressants and your intuition.


when depression has come to the point where you feel suicidal and have no energy for carrying the simplest tasks in your daily life, taking antidepressants is the solution.

i agree with you in order to control the serotonin levels its necessary to take medication.


NamasteIndia said:
i agree with you in order to control the serotonin levels its necessary to take medication.
Orrrr..... you can NOT take medication and take L-Tryptophan which controls serotonin levels but does not have the side effects of prescribed medication. But the drug companies don't want people to know about that.

sybil disobedience

I'm a year late on this thread, but I sure am glad someone posted it. When you're bipolar, it's usually biological. Sadly, we seem to have our strongest abilities when we're manic. Since we're put on mood stabilizers instead of anti-depressants (sometimes an SSRI is added) they seem to dull the senses. I've been switched around to a few different ones over the last couple years, but once I've adjusted to the new med/dosage, seems I was able to reconnect with my intuitive abilities. This time around, I've been reading through new tarot books and journaling, but it's frustrating since the cards are a huge outlet for me.

Having said all that, LOL, does anyone have any suggestions on reconnecting with my cards? Should I sleep with them under my pillow until the time is right?


sybil disobedience said:
Having said all that, LOL, does anyone have any suggestions on reconnecting with my cards? Should I sleep with them under my pillow until the time is right?
Sleeping with them is good, I like to just sit and shuffle. While you're watching tv, lying in bed, whatever. Just shuffle. It gets your energy into them.



I hate talking about this in a public forum, but it's only by being open that some of the stigma of mental illness can be lifted.

I've had a major depressive disorder since puberty. I tried natural remedies, changed my diet (more than once.) exercised like crazy, meditated, worked on my issues and all to no avail. I worked on it for 10 years before I took meds. My "good" days were days when I could drag myself to work without crying.

I hate the debate about anti-depressants.

I agree that they are over prescribed. I believe that people have to take responsibility for their own health. I also think that antidepressants are necessary when your brain is broken.

What bugs me about the debate is the assumption that anyone on antidepressants is on them because they have somehow failed at life. If I took a pill every day to treat a heart murmur no one would suggest that I, "go off my meds and start dance therapy," but because my physical problem has emotional symptoms I have people assume (counselors even!) that I am this way because I'm fat/gone grey/too stupid to work on my issues.

I'm not here to offend anyone, just to offer another perspective.

ETA: Back to the original question, my intuition and creativity took a nosedive for about 6 months. It took about that long to adjust to the new stimuli (*This* is what happy feels like?!) and to figure out how to live my new life.


Hugs girlgeek. I, too, suffer from longterm, major depression. I resisted taking anti-depressants for a very long time. And when I finally "gave in" to my doctor's suggestion, it was as if a veil was lifted. All of a sudden I felt like myself again. It was night and day. And from that day forward I've understood that this is absolutely a physical/chemical disease, and for those of us who need them, anti-depressants allow us to live a functional life, just as a heart pill allows a heart patient to function.


I find that anti-depressants, for me anyway, have improved my intuition.This is probably because they calm the anxiety and quiet the catastrophy thinking which has been a pattern of my life for many years.

I also find that when reading the cards for other people I can actually string a coherent and meaningful sentence together, something which I struggle with if I am left to battle the anxiety on my own so to speak.

For me they are not a lifestyle choice, I wish I didn't have to take them but they are an addition to treatment that I am having for a physiological condition which worsens depression and anxiety.

Hugs to everyone living with this dreadful illness.



*hugs* it sucks that I'm not the only one with problems, but I'm happy to be in such good company.

As far as reading goes, I didn't find myself numbed or deadened by the drugs. My intuition and creativity problems seemed to stem from having to re-learn how to live. Suddenly you're getting different feedback from the same stimuli and intuition takes a back seat until you become accustomed to the new feedback. (How can you listen to intuition when everything is new again? Kittens are cute! The sky is blue! OMG food has flavor!)


interesting discussion. I agree with a lot of what's been said, that for some people they can really be necessary etc. and the negative impression of them seems, to me at least, def tied with the general stigma of mental illness... Never thought of em in the context of tarot though...personally, I've major depression and other mental issues as well, but cant really say because for me, when i tried anti-depressants, the ones i tried had pretty much no effect, positive or negative, at all, at any dose...