

I have Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all in Virgo. Yet, I have lots of water in my chart! How does this work out?


Sun, Mercury in Pisces, Moon in Cancer, Uranus in Scorpio and count Sun and Moon twice coz they're very important planets :)

You are actually 6:3:2:1 Water, Earth, Fire, Air. so half your score is Water. And if you don't count the outer three planets, you lose Air (Pluto and he's not that airey) completely and reduce Fire to 1 and Water to 5.



I have Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo/6th house. In terms of actual stars though, Jupiter (at zero degrees) is conjunct to Regulus the heart of the Lion, and Saturn to the lions tail....
I actually chose the name bluestar to remind me of Jupiter-Regulus (although i haven't found any pictures of the star yet info I've found says its blue....)
I also wanted to mention that I like the idea of Chiron as ruller of Virgo/6th house, and enjoy this book generally : Barbara Hand Clows book "Chiron: the rainbow bridge to the outer planets" (1999,Lewellyn Publications)