Clarification on Work spread


hey guys !
so here is my Quandry ! to be fair we have all been here before Work is always something of a challenge. So i'm in a better the devil you know than devil you don't situation. I have been in a new job now for 8 months, its better paid than the one i had before only slightly but i am getting more work so its good all round. Thing is this woman is Terrible at paying on time so i am thinking of leaving but the money is tempting me to stay even though i will be going part time and down to 3 days a week.

so i'm looking for a spread that will clarify the best action if i stay, the outcome if i stay and what will happen if i look for something else .

is there any spreads you guys have used that have been in a situation like the one i am in currently ?

thanks in advance

White Bear