The Housewives Tarot


I bought the Housewives too, at a point in my collecting when it seemed all I wanted were "serious" decks (at about the same time I had bought the Hudes, the Marseilles, the Soprafino, etc.), and I wantes something a little lighter and quirkier. It's just such a fun deck. I love the Devil, the Seven of Cups, the running-with-scissors Page of Swords, and ooh, yum, that Knight of Swords! Reminds me of all those bad boy types I drooled over when I was in high school :)



Yup, the knight of sword is a cute one. But I must admit my heart fall for the king of that suit.

I like the theme of the deck. And I haven't had the chance to try it on my mom yet. I have a idea or two on how she will react. But seeing it will be priceless!


I love the Housewives tarot. The Devil is one of the best Devil cards i have ever seen. It gives very funky readings


I totally agree for the devil card! It can not be more devilish than that!