The Hermes Playing Card Oracle by Robert Place


Available at Kickstarter.

IMO, looks great, but the prices seem pretty high (especially International shipping!).


The deck looks lovely as can be expected from mr. Place, but yeah, the international price is kinda steep.

But I'm a bit bothered about the use of Lenormand images in the cards. I'm not sure if Lenormand and traditional playing card meanings mix up that well together without too much bending. It would be interesting to take a look at the companion book to see how they have solved this. For example, is the spades suit supposed to be good or bad in this deck?


That link isn't working, CNC. Just FYI. I had to copy the text, not the link, and take out the ?ref=card bit to make it work.


Thanks for the heads up, the link should be working now.
As for the Lenormand connection, it sounds like he has leant pretty heavily on on Lenormand for designing this, but not entirely. I'm not sure if the deck includes a LWB on how to interpret, which would probably very useful with a deck like this.


A Moderator can delete my thread about this deck. Cheers.