GT Question


You are looking at the now and future really not the past.

It is next to the FOX so has a strong impact compared to if it was 3 cards away or below.

Has happened, but not done with yet. :)

I don't really understand this still. Clouds is beside the Fox, yes, but I always have read that if the white clouds are next to the card beside it, there isn't anything bad to worry about. Only if the dark clouds are beside it.

Now, are you considering the cloud card as important since it is in the House of Dog and then indicating the "Dog" is the other man, (the snake)?

Sorry if I am being a dunce here, just trying to understand better. I just really do not get it since the good side of the cloud is touching the Fox. I feel like it is safe to say that the troubles from the clouds are pretty much behind him (My F.M.)

Thank you again, DownUnderNZer. :)


Outcome: Next month to 6 or so? (Not sure of what timing you have put on it).


Solution or relief to the situation and changes for the better along the lines of something he desires or wishes to happen. This could involve travel or abroad, a relocation or move, and/or commuting. :) But it may also make him feel a bit on the outside as well.

So, at least the outlook is on the most part positive regardless of what is going on now or in the past. :)


You are looking at the now and future really not the past.

It is next to the FOX so has a strong impact compared to if it was 3 cards away or below.

Has happened, but not done with yet. :)
Oh. Okay.

Outcome: Next month to 6 or so? (Not sure of what timing you have put on it).


Solution or relief to the situation and changes for the better along the lines of something he desires or wishes to happen. This could involve travel or abroad, a relocation or move, and/or commuting. :) But it may also make him feel a bit on the outside as well.

So, at least the outlook is on the most part positive regardless of what is going on now or in the past. :)
I didn't think to put a timing on it. :(

ah. well what you say I can see as being correct. If he is to get that position that the VP wanted him to go into--it would require a big move to another state. I think he would miss the place they live in now, as all his extended family lives there, and friends he grew up with as well as those he is working with. Its 'home'. However, as far as his extended family goes, he really doesn't have a good relationship there. And, its not his wifes 'home'. She doesn't really like it there. She would do much better in another area, I think--and so the move would be much better for her.

This position would be mostly solitary, and require him to travel from one job site to another--out of state. So, he'll be traveling a bit too--which I'm not sure if he would love that part tbh. At first, yeah, but it can get old really quick. So, there is all that to consider as well for him. But, overall, I think for his wife and kids, it will be a much better place for them to be.



If I'm doing the reading and I noticed the card that connects his card (male) to the woman card is a scythe, does this mean he is having some hardships with his wife--or does the woman card represent someone at work?

He might be making career decisions that affect his wife? Scythe can be rapid or hasty decisions...and it could impact her, as well. Or he may be thinking of leaving that company, but his wife plays into/impacts his decision.

Or, there may be discussions about his job at home, that lead to sharp or hurtful words, or, they are both involved in decisions about his leaving that job.

Just a few other takes on what that might mean.
okay, well, you did hit on something here. No harsh words w/wife at all, however, he did discuss the situation with his wife and she actually had a great idea at how to proceed with the snake of a guy (mentioned later on in the reading)--that her hubby didn't think of. So, I'm thinking that this is what you were picking up on. She had a GREAT idea that if her husband does do (he hasn't had the chance to do so yet)--it can cut that snake out of the picture - possibly even for good- but definitely where he won't bother this F.M. again--or at least, think twice before doing so!

its interesting how things turn out and I go back to look at the cards again and can see it right there before me! Thanks for your help. :)



Scythe between them can be a strong and quick connection, two people that can read eachother's mind. When he comes home stressed out, she's the first to notice just how big this will influence the 'quality time' with the family.
Which card is in the Scythe's house?

The Woman should describe the most important female. If they have a strong marriage, even in a work spread, the Woman probably represents his wife.

and, you also were correct here. This couple does have a very strong relationship and both do seem to be able to read each other. Its funny, as whenever he's at work and is feeling ill even--like a headache coming on, his wife, at home seems to pick up on it! He is the same with her too. He also happens to be an empath, and he often feels her health issues, of which she sadly suffers from a few harsh ones. They are truly connected souls!

Anyway, he did come home one day stressed out about this snake and something else the FM learned on this issue. His wife, as soon as he shared it w/her, had a GREAT idea on how to handle it--that he didn't even think of. So, I am now looking at those cards and realizing that she just had the answer that would cut this snakes meanness right in half! His wife is a very important person in his life, naturally. They do have a great and strong marriage.

Thanks for your help on this!




4 Corners or the Pillars:

The go now...


Conflicts, choices, and/or decisions being made with work that involves, or has an effect on someone close to the situation, besides the sitter whether at home or an actual colleague etc. Could be about being rewarded, promoted, recognized or moving up in the world.

My FM told me that he has since found out that the snake (whom my FM saw as a friend there at work), set him (my FM) up and lied about something to the crew my FM oversees. Apparently this snake was acting on the advice of a previous employee who worked there in a high position. He and my FM and others didn't get along and the company President & VP investigated their issues, found the previous employee as a risk and they demoted him and sent him to another state and place to work. They should've fired him, and no one can figure out why he didn't get fired--some sneaky things going on we guess--but this previous employee also was fairly high up on the level of boss--and has worked there for a very long time. So it could also be that the higher ups are taking care of their own. All this was only recently found out. My FM was very instrumental in giving information (part of his job though) when asked by the previous employee's bosses--and it was recently found out that this previous employee came back to this work place. He was talking to the snake. He isn't suppose to be on company grounds anymore as he isn't assigned to this facility and another high up manager saw him there, and had him escorted off property and written up for it as well as the snake for bringing him in and for talking to him, when he knew it wasn't allowed. (so involved-sorry--but have to explain).

The manager who caught him and had him escorted off company property filed all the necessary reports--which took a day or two for him to do, and then he was told by his boss to let my F.M. know of it all, as they feel it was all related to more issues this snake tried to start re: my F.M. At any rate, the company officials are aware of it all, taking measures and have assured my F.M. they realize snake and previous employee are working together in retaliation for what my F.M. reported when asked about the previous employee.

I involved. such drama! :rolleyes: It came out btw, that the previous employee had promised the snake that he would 'take care of him (snake) and help him get a better job, IF he helped him out'. The snake is a stupid and young kid, really--(23 or 24yoa) and is now beginning to see the light. However, a bit too late, sadly. He may now end up losing his own job as a result. So much for snake moving up in the company. F.M. (and I do too) sort of feel sorry for the snake guy--but he made his own bed.
Being in control maybe something of importance as well- not being too tied down or overly bossed so as to say.

Lastly, he might be wanting to "protect" or "defend" his position or place for some reason.

There is something he feels strongly about and in a very manly way I'd say.

My 2 cents worth. :)
I think you were speaking of my F.M. here. correct? if so, I have to say my F.M. is a man that goes 'by the book' at work. He tries hard to leave his own feelings out of it--and he does what he has to do according to company rules and regulations. He now sort of feels bad for the snake guy--but at the same time, realizes what he did was very wrong and he has also done this in the past to another guy--and cost THAT guy his job as a result. Thankfully, my F.M. is well known by the higher ups as well and they can see through it--(know my F.M. is a by the book sort of guy) and it also helped that the previous employee was found and escorted off company property (as per company rules) and the manager who did this was equal in status to this previous employee when he was there.

hope you can follow this. I know it sounds like a soap opera! But, things have begun to REALLY change for my F.M. for hte better. A NEW 'investigation' of sorts going on now--that sort of has my F.M. in there and the guys who were all told lies are now seeing the lies for what they were--and are kind of feeling stupid for following and believing that snake now. Sadly though, snake man who is still working there has all these guys who refuse now to be friendly to him. Can't make for a great working situation for the guy.

if I recall properly, later on in this thread you also pointed out that you felt the truth would come out in a short time and my FM would be seen as the good guy again. correct?



Heart of the Matter:

35 (12) 12 (13) 34 (20) 30 (21)

Conversations and/or meetings are going on about work and possibly money - maybe just scratching the surface and/or in the early stages.

Either more money is needed, being asked for, or part of the negotiations. Work and money.

Nothing is final yet nor is it a time of things feeling settled just yet.
yep! hit the nail on the head. I forgot to see what I had responded to in this before updating, but my F.M. is very involved with quite a few 'investigations' and it has a lot to do with monies and work. The former employee who was removed from this job site and moved to another company site in another state--is in BIG HOT DOO-DOO. My F.M. is one who is helping in the investigation and uncovered SO much--that he shared with the higher up the ladder managers--as was required by him. They are just scratching the surface is so true. So much was just again recently uncovered by my F.M. and another manager. Its a crazy situation, but my F.M. is thankfully now really feeling better about it all. So much has happened in just the last few days--that has REALLY turned this all around!

I use ANCHOR and FISH for work and finances. Bit different to the "Fox".

Will look at that too next time since it is the system you use.

Not on PC so can only do one or two lines at a time, so might not be delivered as I'd like. :)

Thanks DownUnder.



Very Quick Peek:

CLOUDS next to FOX...

Alot of uncertainty with the job and things looking bleak.


Contracts cut or severed and/or decisions being made that are inevitable.

Both the German and French systems tell the story well. :)

Okay, well, things for my F.M. are looking much better, tbh. He's feeling much better about it and quite happy the last few days. So much has happened and come out--its a crazy situation. The snake is having some bad days right now though...things have REALLY changed for him. he may end up losing his job. decisions are being made that are inevitable. It is looking rather bleak for him, and bleaker for the previous employee caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Thanks againk, DownUnder!



On the work front, this would seem to be a "career-defining" moment for him, so I would look to the condition of the Anchor first. With the Tree above and the Fish below, career longevity and financial reward seem to be important keynotes. The Birds to the right followed by the Ring could mean that the "buzz" is that he's standing in good stead to get the position. The Anchor is "backstopped" by the Woman, which I believe shows her support of his career move. The Fox is also adjacent but to the left and below (a weaker position) reflecting the receding impact of the on-the-job deception shown by his "untrustworthy acquaintance." Fox + Anchor probably shows the job itself growing into a secure position, but there could be some long-term disillusionment with it - Clouds + Fox + Anchor. (Maybe the job or the compensation - Clouds + Fox + Fish - will wind up not being exactly what was promised.)
Well, if not the position I was originally thinking of, perhaps something else, as in the last few days so much as happened in regards to this issue and so much more new positive things turning all this around and taking the pressure off my F.M. and pointing fingers at the snake man and a previous employee who still works for the company-but in a different location now. I mean things have really taken a BIG turn for the better for F.M. and two of the higher ups to my F.M. (or possibly more--but 2 that I know of) have been in touch w/my F.M. and told him that things are being looked at and for him not to worry-as they KNOW who and where to put blame and they are grateful for his input. Its really getting crazy involved, hard to really explain--but it is all working out and putting my F.M. in a good light.

Thank you for your help!


I will continue to give UPDATE FB later--prob. tomorrow--no worries. Its so interesting now to lay out hte cards again from this reading and go over it again with what has been transpiring SINCE I read on this issue and what my F.M. has been able to tell me also. Its amazing. He doesn't quite get how I look at these cards (with all of your help) and now say, "AHA!!! OMG! THAT WAS SO RIGHT!!!" :laugh: but I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Thank you to everyone who helped here. I will keep giving update FB as I can.