Is it easier to read for yourself or others?


When we read for other people the reading always applies to our self if we look at it, this is one of the secrets of tarot and seems difficult to understand but something to do with the universal nature of the cards - the all in one the one in all is what I'm being impressed with.

This will often be subconscious which is why it's essential to understand our own nature to enable us to read for others. We are limited by the self, our own eyes and shadow or the frame of the self through which we read. Once we learn to tap into our own feelings, we can tap into other peoples by drawing on our own experience and understanding.

Once we hold the key to our own nature we understand human nature in general but that's the only way in else we just project, project, project without learning or progressing on a personal level.


For myself, since I know more about a situation, self, etc so I think I can give the cards a more precise interpretation. I am not an experienced reader so I am more interested what a card in a specific situation, position or in relation to other cards means than about what a reading has to say to me (but I am still getting scared when the Tower card comes up. It's not up for any good, in my experience). I like to try out new decks and new spreads and that's the fun part tarot means for me not the result of a reading (which may or may not come true anyway).


If it's self-development type questions or philosophically based, then I find it easier to read for myself. If it's predictive, it's a mixed bag. I have been right sometimes and wrong sometimes (but that is the nature of prophecy, not being set in stone I can't really say if I was seeing it wrong or if it simply changed from what was likely at the time I did the reading).

I do find it interesting to read for other people but it's always hard to find the right way to word what I get from the cards. It's like I may get some sort of intuitive hit but I don't know enough about their life to know how to explain it, so it can be a bit hit and miss. Then there are also times when I don't get a hit at all so I just go with symbolism or the standard meaning of the card instead. I find it much easier to read for people I know a bit about so I at least have an idea of what the cards/messages relate to and can explain it without problem.


When we read for other people the reading always applies to our self if we look at it, this is one of the secrets of tarot and seems difficult to understand but something to do with the universal nature of the cards - the all in one the one in all is what I'm being impressed with.

This will often be subconscious which is why it's essential to understand our own nature to enable us to read for others. We are limited by the self, our own eyes and shadow or the frame of the self through which we read. Once we learn to tap into our own feelings, we can tap into other peoples by drawing on our own experience and understanding.

Once we hold the key to our own nature we understand human nature in general but that's the only way in else we just project, project, project without learning or progressing on a personal level.

I think readings for others do reflect on ourselves in the sense that everything we get is flowing through ourselves, through our psyche, and through our way of seeing the world. What doesn't make sense to us, what we can't see or acknowledge in ourselves, we often can't see clearly in another. Values we don't understand can get distorted and blown out of proportion. And so our nature colors whatever messages we get. (and alternatively, the nature of the individual we read for colors what they receive from what we said.)

This of course isn't just tarot, but everything. What resonates with us is what we receive, what we see in the world, in others, etc. It can be striking how when our perspective on life changes we suddenly see things that were honestly there the entire time, but formerly we didn't see these things. We notice meaning in things we formerly saw no meaning in.

I think this is just an aspect we have to accept though. It's a good one to be aware of, but we are who we are and we see what we see.


Omg, anyone else. lol. I get to wrapped up in my own situation, and start over thinking things. Where the less I know about a situation usually the better because then I go only with intuition and its easier to shut off my brain. Lol. Yet, I always slightly envied those that could read for themselves easily.


Reading for myself involves pulling out the Little White Book.

I always look at a reading for me and say, "I already know THAT." I don't want to accept the message of the cards. So, pull out the LWB and see what IT says. Then I get the message of the CARDS, not the message I want to hear.


A michaels

my readings

I find it hard to read for myself as I cant help but interpret it the way I feel, I think if possible get someone else to read for you if you can.


I feel it is harder to read for myself, but I try anyway. I don´t know anyone in RL who knows how to read.

EDIT; Oh, but I do! The lady in the occult shop. I have got her to read for me a couple of times when it was really important. Can´t believe I forgot that.


I find reading for total strangers easiest of all, because I have no backstory to them, so I'm not trying to translate the cards into what I know of their lives and I'm not drowning out the quiet whisper of intuition with the shout of my own logical thinking.

I find reading for people I know casually a little more difficult, because I usually know at least something about them.

Then, in the scale, I find myself a very hard person to read for, because I have my own stuff in my head the whole time.

But worst of all, are those I love deeply. I get all tongue-tied and awkward, and the reading simply doesn't flow. I recently had to fire a dear friend who started as just a client, and tell her that I would never read for her ever again. I just care about her far too much to ever read for her, it no longer works.