Three Cups as their next action towards you


RW deck

What kind of action is Three/Cups towards someone in a love reading?

I'm stumped! This is the friendship card to me and most often shows up as that in my readings. However the person in question is a love interest, not a friend of the querent.

I took it to mean that they would either invite the querent out for a drink with other people involved, but that didn't make sense because if this person were to ask the querent out, it would be more like a 2 Cups date.

The other cards did make me think that this guy might be choosing between 2
women too.

What is 3 Cups as an action in a love reading to you?


I'd go with your first thoughts - I think he may ask her out to somewhere with others - it might not necessarily be a party but could be a pub with others there. 2 cups tends to show a connection so although it could show a date it would, in my mind, be a very intimate date- not really a first date. The three may also show he is socialble and wants to have a fun and laughter easy going date rather than anything too serious. The two cups would show a serious date to me xx


A sociable nice setting like the above poster said :)
Was thinking of an alternative interpretation; telling you how they feel, expressing feelings.


Maybe they will come together in more of a social setting.. they will have some fun time and he'll make his move by the end of the night ...

This scenario just popped-up ..

*if you (have a reason to) think he might be choosing between multiple women, it could be, but it really depends on other cards and their positions.


*if you (have a reason to) think he might be choosing between multiple women, it could be, but it really depends on other cards and their positions.
I agree with all of the above. This card always comes up for me when I'm having a nighr out or a good time. So definitely a fun date of drinking and socializing.

If there is suspicion of a third woman maybe do a seperate spread to clarify that.

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I think of the 3 of Cups as being about harmony. And about what you bring to the situation. Focus on what's in your cup.

A lot of times in "love readings" people want to know about the other person but forget to look at themselves and how they are coming across. The 3 of cups always reminds me to do that.


I think the Three of Cups would indicate the "next step" in a relationship. Two of Cups suggests a choice, but Three reveals that the choice has been made, so the Three of Cups could signify that the relationship is stabilizing, progressing, and moving forward.


I never understood why 3 of cups is a friendship card. Just because someone decided to put three women in the picture?

I have never really received 3 of cups for friendship - yes, I did get it for social gathering, but this goes into the 'tarot speak literal' hat. We all have had occasions where tarot shows a situation that is literal to the one in the image. So I got 3 of cups once when I was chatting a lot with two other women :)

I got 3 of cups for someone who was madly in love - definitely not in a friendly way :) 3 of cups is abundance of feelings or growing feeling, developing feelings. It can be a social card, yes, in the aspect that we share the feelings with more people...but this is not necessarily the case.

Number 3 relates to Empress, and she relates to birth AND death. Hence number 3 is a conclusion, a milestone, the next development. It is growth - and when something growths, change happens, and this also involves dying. Birth always means death - dying of the previous situation, so that something new can be born. In this sense, I have got the 3 of cups as showing the step of a person which had nothing to do with gathering, fun, friendship, it was quite the opposite, the person made it clear that they cut the cords and that they are no longer ready to remain in the previous state. It was very much a death experience - however, the actions pushed the situation forward, into a new development.

I also got 3 of cups as simple message - it is a Mecury card.

So in overall, I would say the card says that the person will make 'the next step in the development', whatever this may be. 3 resolves the tension of the 2, it is the development number - but the step can also be a step towards the end, death, which will, nontheless, bring the resolution. It is a kind of 'either it grows or it dies' situation, and 3 of cups usually shows this kind of resolving step. In my experience, it is in fact very rarely related to 'socializing and having fun' - even though it can also mean that, of course.


So in overall, I would say the card says that the person will make 'the next step in the development', whatever this may be.

I chose to quote just a tiny bit of what you wrote, but I really liked the whole thing. I think it kind of agrees with what I was trying to say, only you elaborated more and said it better.

(here's what I said earlier)

I think of the 3 of Cups as being about harmony. And about what you bring to the situation. Focus on what's in your cup.

A lot of times in "love readings" people want to know about the other person but forget to look at themselves and how they are coming across. The 3 of cups always reminds me to do that.

I think RiverRunsDeep was also on the same track.

As far as a relationship card (friends, lovers whatever), what I was trying to say is the 3 of Cups reminds us that we can only control our own contribution to any group (even if it is only a group of 2) but that there is enough good will there and a potential to build something lasting. But you have to be engaged in this, not pushing, but not passive. Bringing the strength of your true self if there is going to be any next-step.


I chose to quote just a tiny bit of what you wrote, but I really liked the whole thing. I think it kind of agrees with what I was trying to say, only you elaborated more and said it better.

(here's what I said earlier)

I think RiverRunsDeep was also on the same track.

As far as a relationship card (friends, lovers whatever), what I was trying to say is the 3 of Cups reminds us that we can only control our own contribution to any group (even if it is only a group of 2) but that there is enough good will there and a potential to build something lasting. But you have to be engaged in this, not pushing, but not passive. Bringing the strength of your true self if there is going to be any next-step.

Yes, most definitely it is about building something, 3 is a very creative number.