What should beginners do?


Milfoil said:
Well, you've come to the best place to start your quest.

Try here: http://www.learntarot.com/

I found that website yesterday and I am very excited about the content. I read lesson one last night and it was helpful. Not to mention it's free :joke:


HudsonGray said:
If you want pretty much the same course with the ability to comment (outside of this site) check out the Barnes & Noble bookstore URL, they have a free tarot course every 3 or 4 months that they run through their 'university' site. You sign up for it and use the Rider Waite deck.

I just checked there. They have a beginner's course they are registering for right now. Enrollment ends November 7th.


aville said:
the problem is I want to learn about Tarot. I am a beginner. but I cant buy a book
Everything you need is right here on this site. Look no further - spend no money.


aville said:
the problem is I want to learn about Tarot. I am a beginner. but I cant buy a book
Please tell me what I should do, and the basics.
Sorry if I posted this in wrong place
Good guys, please help me :d
Good day to you all!

I tell people to draw a card a day. In the morning, write down what you see in the card... what it makes you feel like. Then in the evening, write down what happened in your day. See how what you wrote in the morning corresponds with the card. Then look it up in the Little White Book from your deck.


ArwenNightstar's method has been most helpful to me...



Crystelle said:
ArwenNightstar's method has been most helpful to me...


Thank you. Did I post it here or did you learn it somewhere else? :)


It came as a suggestions in one of my books but it really was very helpful so I figured rather than repeat you I'd just "2nd" the motion!


Crystelle said:
It came as a suggestions in one of my books but it really was very helpful so I figured rather than repeat you I'd just "2nd" the motion!

I think I learned it from Mary K Greer's Tarot For Yourself.


Merci beaucoup :D

waa, really amazing ^^
you guys help me much, I thanks to you all.
Uhm, how long does it take to have enough knowledge for Tarot? and when will you be able to read the future for yourself :-?
thank you again ^:)^


aville said:
waa, really amazing ^^
you guys help me much, I thanks to you all.
Uhm, how long does it take to have enough knowledge for Tarot? and when will you be able to read the future for yourself :-?
thank you again ^:)^

That totally depends upon you and how much time you put into studying it. I would caution though that Tarot is not about divining the future per se. You will be given advice on what you can do to your own behaviour to create a positive outcome.