Crystal Skull collecting


MM ~ I don't have a pendant skull either but "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed" mentions that one of the ancient skulls ended up at a church for a time, where they drilled a hole to insert a crucifix. I'll have to look to see which skull it was but I don't recall any bad effects being mentioned form this. Bad effects can come from the skulls being "polluted" - I think it was the Amethyst Skull that was used in conjunction with human sacrifice and rituals purely for power over others.
I do carry mine in a bag when I take it with me. I wouldn't want it drilled. But I wouldn't mind having a very small drilled skull, either....:D BB, Stella


Dark Inquisitor said:
Now I have to add a caution to the clockwise swirling of a skull over your chakras. Someone told me that using crystals that way could be dangerous and create problems in the chakras and etheric body. I didn't realize that was possible, so do it at your own risk I guess.
MM ~ The only caveat I've come across is "make sure you close your chakras when you're done!" Like Mom telling you to close the refrigerator. ;) BB, Stella


Thanks for replies about the pendant skull question...I'll just have to try it and see what happens. In reference to the chakras and swrilling....I am turning my place upside down to find the book or where exactly I got the following...but its was saying that for e.g. women the pattern of circular movement over the chakra areas is crown/anti-clockwise, Brow/clockwise, throat/anti-clock, heart/clock, Solar Plex/anti, Navel/clock, sacral-root/anti. For Men it would be the reverse. I think these directions referred to the direction for opening/balance the perspective chakras. But this is something to really look into per study and experience ...but just thought I'd mention it even though I have lost exactly my notes and reference to this info for now. I'm sure theres something on a net search about this subject nonetheless will turn up similar, conflicting, or not info.



How awful the Paris skull had that hole drilled in it !!

I remember reading that about the differing gender swirl directions too Deszroo, and just recently. There is plenty of conflicting information all over the internet . I was just reading about people using crystal wands to swirl over the chakras with, and there were seemingly no cautions attached. I guess anyone could have an overwhelming and possibly bad reaction to working with crystals , depending on how sensitive or open they are at the moment . My clue is usually if it feels a little weird, stop.

Here is a family portrait of my modest collection, best viewed with the full screen setting :

Left to right:

Red Jasper-Clear Quartz- Hematite-Fluorite (named Arizona) -Smokey Quartz (named Seneca) -Fluorite-Clear Quartz (named Xavier) -Brecciated Jasper -Labradorite - Picasso Stone- Rose quartz


Thank you for your family of skulls portrait- I did not realise how individual the individuals could be :D . Arizona looks a very determined individual with his/her jaw stuck out in such a determined way. I have just one skull now- it is true Lapis lazuli and appears to be smaller than any of yours. It is quite heavy and is not opaque in any way. I guess it could never be used for skrying. I think on reflection I like the crystals better than the solid minerals; but I love my skull. Her name is Ahura Mazda. I named her after the protective spirits of Zoroastrianism, the 'Yazatas' and she is a celestial yazatas; Mazzie for short. Oh dear I will have to save some serious money and get a terrestrial Yazatas now......I have not considered any rituals, but I talk to her and her answers are completly non- judgemental. What ever have you started Dark Inquisitor? What Kings Ransom for a blue Topaz skull to represent water and inner emotions eh? ~Rosanne


Dark Inquisitor said:
Here is a family portrait of my modest collection, best viewed with the full screen setting :

Left to right:

Red Jasper-Clear Quartz- Hematite-Fluorite (named Arizona) -Smokey Quartz (named Seneca) -Fluorite-Clear Quartz (named Xavier) -Brecciated Jasper -Labradorite - Picasso Stone- Rose quartz
MM ~ Well you're almost at thirteen yourself! It won't be long! The Cupid and Psyche statue is a nice touch. I currently have mine on a small shelf with Diana and Hecate. Anyone else keeping theirs on diety shrines? When I first got it I treated it like a scrying instrument and kept it wrapped and put away when I wasn't using it, but it wanted out! :D
BB, Stella


Mine sit on a small table with a large copper statue of Tara watching over them. They all seem to like her :). I've been meaning to ask DI and others: Do you name your skulls, or do they seem to name themselves?

Many Blessings,


bodhran said:
Mine sit on a small table with a large copper statue of Tara watching over them. They all seem to like her :)
MM ~ Everybody likes Tara! :):):)
And that's a good question about the names, I've been trying to get a name out of my little quartz one but it hasn't told me anything yet. I think it did help me send a dream, though. Let me explain, if you have patience with the kind of stories that might or might not be in someone's imagination:
When I was out, one of my dogs got out of the house. He got in a fight with another dog and animal control picked him up. I wouldn't have the money for two days to get him out. I asked if I could come down and put medicine on him, since he had been injured, but they wouldn't even let me do that. If I have a favorite dog, it's this one, and I knew he was hurting and freaked out.
I took the skull (it is supposed to amplify) and laid down and visualised the reunion with the dog, trying to send him the thought that I was coming to get him, I wouldn't let him stay there and be put down. I have heard that dogs communicate telepathically and when they sit and stare at you they are trying to send you pictures. ;)
I fell asleep for a bit and when I awoke it felt like I had the leash in my hand and not the skull. I thought it WAS the leash for a brief moment, it took me a few second to re-orient myself.
The day came and I went to get the dog. He was lying in the back of his cage. I called "Baaannnndit" and he looked up and blinked. He is usually a very enthusiastic greeter. I called again "Baaannnnnndit" and he just stared a bit. Then he got up and walked to me slowly, trembling. I thought he must have been hurt worse than I thought but when he got to the front of the cage, he became himself and started jumping and barking.
I think that he had dreamed me coming there and thought at first that this was a dream, too. When he was walking to me, he looked the way you would look at the ghost of a deceased loved one. So it is possible that something occurred on the astral, but I can't ask him!
I will have to try sending a dream to a person!
BB, Stella


MM ~ D.I., you had mentioned some time ago that your smokey quartz skull had darkened. I don't know if this means anything but I thought I would mention this:
My favorite scrying sphere is a smokey quartz just under three inches. I get best results from it and it seems to "hold a charge" much better than the others, but when I first got it, I couldn't see much anything in it. I had to work with it for about a full moon cycle, then something "clicked in place" and it started working.
Maybe smokey quartz adapts to our energy, somehow. Just an added suggestion, since it obviously wasn't an omen of bad tidings that made the skull darken, and I'm sure the temperature in your home is quite moderate, nowhere near extreme enough to alter stone!
BB, Stella