How Do You ask about Divorce (or other 'negative states/processes'?


Two-card combos are a fairly simple use of ED's, especially since only the "friendly" or "unfriendly" qualities are considered here, not the card meanings. There should be enough information in the text following the layout to give you the right idea.


Thank you! That wil help for sure. A great resource too!

...It's 1.22 am so forgive my curt departijre.


page of ghosts

Thats good - yes , something to 'chat' about as you say!!

The only thing is I don't like to pry - I only want to know as much as a reflection as is useful for understanding his life with me. It's none of my business , their point of contact... so asking about the positive of the relating/marriage is indulging (for me) and feels karmicly wrong.

Great recommendation though! I think like you do - Just not in these topics...


I definetely see that. I don't think I would ask a lot about other peoples marriages either because I feel like it's not my business, so I was mostly jumping off from your example with the divorce, tryng to think of a way to work around it that isn't a yes/no question. But yeah, reading about 3rd parties (like it would indirectly end up being when asking about the marriage because there is another person involved, wouldn't it?) is not something everybody finds ethical. I mostly read for myself to reflect on things so I don't really involve other people a lot, which probably means I haven't thought about that as much as people who frequently read for other people have. I do get your point and I agree that it wouldn't feel comfortable to me either.

I'm kinda curious now how your divorce example came to be? Would that be ok because it's straight to the point and/or it just involves the guy? Maybe asking which energies surround this person or if there are new developments will bring it into the light. I'm honestly not the best at coming up with good questions, but I think there is a way to work around this and get some good answers.


Hi Bonny,

I am a relatively new member and I haven't posted much, but since the overall yes/no topic and how to 'translate it' for each occasion is something that has troubled me as well, I thought it might be helpful to contribute my experience on the matter.

First of all, allow me to congratulate you for actually considering the karmic aspect and consequences of your questions. I believe as well that it is the ethically right thing to do and that boundaries should always be set, as to not actively interfere with other peoples' lives and free will. However, in this case, I believe that as long as you simply need to have a picture of the situation, without intending to act on the information in any way, there shouldn't be any problem (but that's just my personal opinion, you should always go with what your own instinct tells you).

Now, regarding the question itself.
Throughout my readings, I have found the simple yes/no one-card questions to be not only hard to decipher, but also largely unreliable.
As the page of ghosts mentioned, tarot cards 'chat' about a topic, they are multi-faceted and more often than not, a clarification, or the accompanying cards of a full spread are required, in order to make some sense of the story they relay.

Therefore, I do not think that the 'problem' lies with the divorce theme itself, but more with the lack of a complete and cohesive spread, a foundatiopn for the answer that you seek.
In my case, a basic spread (and one that the reader is familiar and comfortable with interpretating), such as the Celtic Cross for example, following a specific question, have resulted to some very comprehensive and helpful readings.

According to my experience, as long as you are specific about the subject you ask about, you are clear about it, calm, focused and grounded, the spread and the selected cards result to clear, very eloquent stories that make sense, depending on the subject and its circumstances.
And at times when I have not been resolute, grounded and sure about what I'm asking, the result is a foggy jumble of cards.

I hope my thoughts help with your problem, even though I didn't provide you with a reply strictly concerning your original question.
All best and be blessed!


I definetely see that. I don't think I would ask a lot about other peoples marriages either because I feel like it's not my business, so I was mostly jumping off from your example with the divorce, tryng to think of a way to work around it that isn't a yes/no question. But yeah, reading about 3rd parties (like it would indirectly end up being when asking about the marriage because there is another person involved, wouldn't it?) is not something everybody finds ethical. I mostly read for myself to reflect on things so I don't really involve other people a lot, which probably means I haven't thought about that as much as people who frequently read for other people have. I do get your point and I agree that it wouldn't feel comfortable to me either.

I'm kinda curious now how your divorce example came to be? Would that be ok because it's straight to the point and/or it just involves the guy? Maybe asking which energies surround this person or if there are new developments will bring it into the light. I'm honestly not the best at coming up with good questions, but I think there is a way to work around this and get some good answers.
This. But for any reading - I read the cards the same way. Look at them and see what they have to say. If I ask how a funeral will go (not the sort of question I'd ever ask, really) of course you can get positive results for that. It was a lovely occasion; people said good things; the flowers were great. Funerals may be sad - but that doesn't mean the cards have to assumed to be negative - sad occasions can go really well.

If you get what you call positive cards (and no cards are unrelentingly positive anyway - you suggest, for instance, the sun - which can equally result in terrible sunburn, heatstroke etc, for just one example) for a simple is he getting divorced (well, for a start you don't need three cards for that; yes no questions are not the best use of tarot) you can call it a yes, sure. But that isn't at all the same thing as saying such a divorce would be a good thing. And then again - it could be good for some people and not others. It really isn't that simple.

"What would be the result for everyone if he got a divorce" would be a lot more useful all round. And that wouldn't turn up a simplistic answer like "yes" - which to be honest doesn't get anyone any further. A question like that is best asked of the person involved, not of the cards.


As others have said, you need to look at how you're asking your question.

"Is he getting divorced now?" is a question that needs a yes / no answer and unless you have a special deck that has a 'yes' card and a 'no' card or you have a specific system in place for yes / no questions, the answers you get will always be ambiguous and since you seem to have a vested interest in a certain answer, you're not going to be able to interpret the cards objectively.

You need to ask open question with tarot, questions that allow the cards to describe a situation.

'What's happening with his marriage right now?'
'What do I need to know about his marriage?'

Bear in mind that since you're not involved in the marriage, the answers you get may not be accurate answers at all.. I don't think tarot is very good at answering questions that we as the querant aren't involved in.

The best thing to do is probably ask him yourself.


What I am asking is about the semantics or concept at issue in the enquiry, If That is negative.

Semantics is precisely the problem.

Forming good questions is a skill that is often overlooked in learning tarot. As has already been mentioned, asking questions that can be answered yes/no is often the source of the confusion. The first step is to help the querent understand that the question itself is going to lead to an answer that is hard to interpret.

Yes/no questions are seldom a good way to phrase the inquiry.

Even if you move away from yes/no, it is still the structure of the question that usually creates the confusion in the reading. So rather than worry about how to read the answer to an unclear question, work on how to create a question that leads to a clear answer.



If you are having problems with yes or no questions/answers... it could be the question. may need to reword it from Is he getting a divorce now? to a question like "What is he actually going to do about getting a divorce? Someones thoughts/feelings about something isn't necessarily what they will do in the end. They can 'feel/think" a certain way, but not act on that. I think you are wanting to know what he IS going to do, right?

If you keep having trouble understanding the may need to look at maybe you don't really want to know the answer. Especially if it isn't what you want. Just food for thought. Meaning sometimes we "know" the answer but whether on purpose or subconsciously just don't want that answer. Not saying that is the case with your question.... just in general about yes/no readings/answers.

Hope that helps!



Semantics is precisely the problem.

Forming good questions is a skill that is often overlooked in learning tarot. As has already been mentioned, asking questions that can be answered yes/no is often the source of the confusion. The first step is to help the querent understand that the question itself is going to lead to an answer that is hard to interpret.

Even if you move away from yes/no, it is still the structure of the question that usually creates the confusion in the reading. So rather than worry about how to read the answer to an unclear question, work on how to create a question that leads to a clear answer.

I agree! :thumbsup:

Learning to form a clear question to get a clear answer is something that has been overlooked. i think everyone should make at least one tarot/oracle spread for themselves to see how asking certain questions get certain answers and which questions would be better.

Well said! :)



I definetely see that. I don't think I would ask a lot about other peoples marriages either because I feel like it's not my business, so I was mostly jumping off from your example with the divorce, tryng to think of a way to work around it that isn't a yes/no question. But yeah, reading about 3rd parties (like it would indirectly end up being when asking about the marriage because there is another person involved, wouldn't it?) is not something everybody finds ethical. I mostly read for myself to reflect on things so I don't really involve other people a lot, which probably means I haven't thought about that as much as people who frequently read for other people have. I do get your point and I agree that it wouldn't feel comfortable to me either.

I'm kinda curious now how your divorce example came to be? Would that be ok because it's straight to the point and/or it just involves the guy? Maybe asking which energies surround this person or if there are new developments will bring it into the light. I'm honestly not the best at coming up with good questions, but I think there is a way to work around this and get some good answers.

This is great.
Thank you very much!

Sorry I didn't mean to imply you were seeing things in a way that was erroneous at all - I was a bit tired and only trying to be clear as to where I was coming from. Yes it's delicate because I do believe we are all connected and I mean to honour all beings, including his ex.

Thank you very much!

Those questions do help me!

Bonny :)


Hi Bonny,

I am a relatively new member and I haven't posted much, but since the overall yes/no topic and how to 'translate it' for each occasion is something that has troubled me as well, I thought it might be helpful to contribute my experience on the matter.

First of all, allow me to congratulate you for actually considering the karmic aspect and consequences of your questions. I believe as well that it is the ethically right thing to do and that boundaries should always be set, as to not actively interfere with other peoples' lives and free will. However, in this case, I believe that as long as you simply need to have a picture of the situation, without intending to act on the information in any way, there shouldn't be any problem (but that's just my personal opinion, you should always go with what your own instinct tells you).

Now, regarding the question itself.
Throughout my readings, I have found the simple yes/no one-card questions to be not only hard to decipher, but also largely unreliable.
As the page of ghosts mentioned, tarot cards 'chat' about a topic, they are multi-faceted and more often than not, a clarification, or the accompanying cards of a full spread are required, in order to make some sense of the story they relay.

Therefore, I do not think that the 'problem' lies with the divorce theme itself, but more with the lack of a complete and cohesive spread, a foundatiopn for the answer that you seek.
In my case, a basic spread (and one that the reader is familiar and comfortable with interpretating), such as the Celtic Cross for example, following a specific question, have resulted to some very comprehensive and helpful readings.

According to my experience, as long as you are specific about the subject you ask about, you are clear about it, calm, focused and grounded, the spread and the selected cards result to clear, very eloquent stories that make sense, depending on the subject and its circumstances.
And at times when I have not been resolute, grounded and sure about what I'm asking, the result is a foggy jumble of cards.

I hope my thoughts help with your problem, even though I didn't provide you with a reply strictly concerning your original question.
All best and be blessed!

Gosh, therecis something about the mère tobe of your response that is setting the ship in the right flow and is healing!

Thank you!!

I want to ré-read this a few more times. You put it so wisely.
I like the thought of the CC or something more particular re the Spread fashioning.
