The Sword Fey,and Fantasy.


I find some similarities between the Sword Fey and the Aiel clans of the series by Robert Jordan starting with"The Eye of the World".
The hero of the books"the Dragon Reborn" is the son of a spear maiden of the Aiel clans,who died at his birth.He grew up in an ordinairy village,not knowing he was half Aiel.
The Aiel is a doomed people forced to live in the desert after "the Aiel Wars" a long time ago.(so the 6 of Swords doesn´t fit).
The Aiel are all about honour,and courage,and doing battle the honorable way.They know of a prophesy that says that most of the Aiel will perish when the Dragon Reborn comes along.Still they follow him,and fight for him,when he needs their help.The strong position of women in the books matches all the female warriors in the Sword suit(and the Moon,Strength,and 8 of Cups in the deck).
The 8 of Swords remind me of the Aiel habit to serve as "gai´shain" in another clan for a year and a day after being taken prisoner of war,or to get thir honour back if thay feel it has been lessened in some way.(only an Aiel wouldn´t have to be tied up).
(One thing that may disqualify Aiel for the role as Fey of Swords is that they don´t actually use swords themselves.However,I don´t think it matters,because they are warriors,first and foremost.)
Ter´angreals are magical objects found in this series. They range from small rings for access to the land of dreams to large doorways for testing and prophecy,reminding me of the large Cups,Swords,and Pentacles of the deck.
I find this series somewhat violent at times,but someone I talked to couldn´t understand that at all.However, that wouldn´t match with the other Fey who seem so care-free.


I will have to look for the books.
Never heard of them :( But I'm still in time



Hi Riccardo!
It´s just my way of understanding the Swords better.The books are very simple in comparision with the Fey;they have a nobler spirit than those Aiel fantasy characters.Still,some things about them(the Fey)remind me of the books,and help me understand.
I´ve always had a problem with Sword cards,the Fey Tarot has helped more than I can say.I´m not afraid of them anymore.

EDIT Not AS afraid as before,that is.


genna, I also find the sword cards in the Fey to be some of the most amazing depictions of the sword energy that I have ever seen. I think I can read swords better because of studying this deck. I have not read the series you mention, but the two of swords reminds me forcibly of Haruka in the series Stars of Sailor Moon. Especially the last 6 episodes or so.
In the Fey, swords seem depicted (among other qualities) as wild desparate courage, the courage of K'an that never ceases.