Justice and 8 pentacles..hidden assests?


Still trying to figure it out, actually. I don't think your take is wrong either, and he's certainly capable of being a liar. But hiding money? Is he tactful and subtle enough for that? That's what I was questioning. If there's a way he could just boldly stride on in and take it, or if it was ambiguous enough who it belonged to, then yeah. He'd use his wit to convince everyone, especially the victim, that it was his to begin with. Law is the perfect battleground for this sort of tactic.

I also don't know why, but Justice here keeps reminding me of the Judgment of Solomon. If that's true, the the Knight might very well be an analog for the jealous mother demanding a child that is not hers, but that she has convinced herself she has a right to.

Either way, I can't shake the feeling the Knight is attacking Justice or putting pressure on her. It just makes no sense to me because the question is about hidden assets, when what I'm seeing has more to do with taking what isn't yours. Probably just missing the forest for the trees.

It's why I haven't replied till now and I'm sorry that I'm all over the place.

This may be off topic, but I recently did a reading for someone in person who wanted to know about their immigration status. The Knight of Swords came up. I asked if there were any jealous ex-boyfriends who had a bone to pick? Yes, there was, was the answer. I said there was a reason to believe that this Knight of Swords fellow called immigration before hand to try and stall the citizenship. So there would be a delay. (Yes, there was a delay and some questions immigration wanted answered). Though, I concluded with they would fix the delays and become citizens. I was also right in concluding that there was a jealous ex who had tried other underhanded things as well. According to the client, he tried to smear her name and blocked her mother from any political position, etc.

So I'm thinking about the Knight of Swords from this angle based on my own ancedotal take from a reading a did last month.

I've also had to deal with a reversed knight of Swords in my own personal life who constantly lied in order to try and make me look bad. I think Knights of Swords have a way of trying to hide and manipulate things.

But my tarot deck knows that is the way I read the Knight of Swords. It becomes trickier with these threads because they aren't my cards and variations can amass based on the poster's relationship with the cards. I find it easy to read when I have my own deck and I can either draw the card or see someone drawing the cards. The Knight of Swords may mean something very different to you.

I have also had the Knight of Swords mean positive things as well, so I'm not saying that they are all negative.

It maybe that in this particular instance, the Knight of Swords maybe the one hiding money (8 of Pentacles), but it will all work out (justice)?


I am going to address both of you..laurelle and nymshi . this is
a tough one for me. i read all of your answers and see both points as
valid. i was recently gifted the Jane austen tarot ..and used that deck
the knight of swords is noted to be very cunning and slick in his communications
in this deck. the ks fell jump fell 3 X in front justice. justice card split screen
man on top card writing letter woman on bottom reading it. last card
8p. all green colored..woman in various pics tasking jobs.
this situation is regarding possibility elderly uncle hid assets from his neice
his nephew was his live in caretaker. he raised both if them. i beginning
to think the ks maybe the nephew who was the sneak not her uncle.
Justice lawyers involved..8 pents could be all he worked hard for
Not sure...more advice anyone? Thank u both for your takes!