Suggestions for Marcelo Inciso Backs?


Hello everyone! I am nearly finished working on a deck inspired by older decks like the Marseille. It's called the Tarocchi di Marcelo Inciso. I wanted a dirty, rough engraved look for the cards and I hope I achieved it (see samples).

I have been trying to research the card backs of older decks (given that most would probably have no back design at all, or are, as they say in red carpet fashion parlance, backless haha), but they're a bit more difficult to google. The only "old decks" I have with me are Fournier's Marseille, Spanish, and El Gran Tarot Esoterico, which were the earliest decks I owned (and in a way, this is a bit of a tribute to them), and their backs kinda look like the Chosson or Payen and these seem too delicate for the rough look I want to achieve. I'd love to hear suggestions from you.



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The polka-dot looking background of the Tower could be nice, as could something like the patternwork of the king you pictured. Textile patterns of the era might also work nicely.


The polka-dot looking background of the Tower could be nice, as could something like the patternwork of the king you pictured. Textile patterns of the era might also work nicely.

Thank you! I didn't realize they look like polka dots! Haha they're supposed to be those circles in the air which are part of the BG of the tower card. I have thought of doing a rough roses and lilies kinda pattern but also thought that that might be suited for something more RWS. Thanks for the suggestion on the textiles, i will look them up. I'm not sure i want something like a carpet type of pattern (as in playing card backs), thought. I like the tiling in the Chosson thought i want something more rustic looking.

In relation to my "plea", what are the back designs of other older decks (those that have back designs)? I'm thinking maybe i can find inspiration from those too.


There are sestorical reproductions section of tarot decks on this very site :) (don't do that one !)

I've also got one (somewhere) that is just little blue crosses...

thank you! the first three do look interesting. You got me thinking. Maybe i can some a rustic hybrid of the chosson and soprafino backs.... :)


So I have tried creating a design inspired by both the Soprafino and Chosson's backs. I might still change it a bit towards something more like the Chosson's separate square tiles look. :)


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Works for me. Old looking and still different :thumbsup:


Thank you gregory and moongypsy! :)

Laura Borealis

I like that very much!