Stonehenge Moon


Inspired by a drawing on deviant art, and the Endless Knot Llewellyn spread.

11 to 20 are supposed to be in a circle, but I had trouble getting that to work....


1: You, your state of mind at the moment
2: How you see yourself
3: Your feelings
4: The main obstacle to achieving your dreams and desires
5: The secondary obstacle to achieving your dreams and desires
6: Your fears
7: Your partner (or your friends, as suggested by Siri)
8: Your home
9: Your work
10: Your family

The Moon:
11: Your secret desire
12: Your dreams
13: Your wishes
14: Your ideal partner
15: How others see you
16: what is illuminating your path
17: What is hidden from you
18: Your past
19: Your present
20: Your future


I like this spread, I'll have to try it out later ^_^

Just a suggestion...for position 7, you could change partner to friends (for those of us who aren't currently attatched to anyone)



Good idea, Siri.... OK, I'll modify that...


Thanks for this spread Celticdruidess. I've been looking to start practicing with some larger spreads so i've added this one to my collection an i think it should work out quite nicely. I'll try it once i get home tonight.


Thanks, Jyscal! Hope it works for you.