Dream Fairies Oracle


Does anyone have this deck, painted by Julia Jeffrey, whose other work I really love? I believe the book is by Francesca Genti, & the deck seems to consist of only 12 glow-in-the-dark cards.
It seems expensive - but I simply adore Julia's work - esp. her pencil sketches & paintings-in-progress for her forthcoming tarot deck, & so wondered if this might be good enough to tide me over till it comes out in the autumn (even though it seems gimmicky, & the ideas & book aren't by Julia) or would it do as a gift for a child?


I just found Julia's facebook page with the pencil sketches!! Amazing!! I actually like the pencil sketches better than some of the "finished" art!


Me too! She's great. I'm really looking forward to her tarot deck, having seen several cards progressing from initial sketches through to finished paintings. I love seeing how she develops them, & enjoy giving my feedback when she asks people on fb.

But - just bumping this - does anyone have any knowledge about these children's(?) 12 glow-in-the-dark oracle cards, please? Anyone recommend it?


I think it is far to expensive and for only 12 cards it's a total rip off. I love Julia's art work and look forward to her own Tarot. However this deck simply is not worth the money.