Dream interpretation spreads.


I've been having strange dreams lately, and I've been wondering if there are spreads that could help me with interpreting them?


One that I found handy a few times is this:


1-3: Images that describe your dream
4-6: What the dream images mean
7-9: How they affect your waking life
10-12: How you can best use this information.

This was given to me by a very good American friend of mine, I've passed it on to other readers too, from uni and internet, and they've all said that they found it really useful. :)


Awesome dude, thanks. Because of this one particular dream, I'm scared to and sit near some of my best friends, lol.


That REALLY isn't good. I really hope this helps you work out what's going on. :) I'd be interested to hear how it works out for you. :)


If the spread doesn't make things much clearer, you could try your hand at some dream interpretation. There's a great site called dreamdictionary.com that has in-depth meanings for everything you can think of. As a dream-reader myself, I know how weird some of this can be. Don't worry too much, even the scariest of dreams can relate to something totally mundane. I remember dreaming of giant flies before an important interview at uni - it was my fear about the interview personified.


Giant flies? o_O

What kinda flies?

I'm an interpreter too, though I haven't done it for a while now. But still - some dreams out there can scare you no matter what


This spread looks very interesting. I've been having strange/terrible dreams for more than 20 years. I tried some dream interpretation sites, but not all my dreams can be found in those web sites, especially when the dreams are strange stories rather than just few scenes. I was looking for a way to explain those dreams for myself.
I just got few strange dreams last week. I am going to try this spread tomorrow.



I remember a Tarot Connection where they picked three important objects from the dream and three important actions, then drew cards for each and interpreted. I've had good readings with it, and it could easily be modified. :D


really? That's interesting...