Crowning card in Celtic Cross spread


I also see the crowning as your head and therefore what you are thinking - what is on your mind, what you're consciously aware of (versus the card "Below" which is unconscious). It can be seen as your goals. It is a possible future, in that we tend to create whatever we are concentrating on. The attitudes we have toward something will influence the results. While we are usually focusing on the best outcome, sometimes we are conflicted or actually expect the worst to happen.

This is the place where we can make the most difference through reassessing our attitudes, intentions and goals, and through examining our beliefs. It's different than "Hope and Fears" which is more about emotion that is based on past experience.

The Outcome card sometimes reflects the result of thinking this way about the situation.

This is just the way the position tends to work for me.


tigerlily said:
I see it as what you aim for, or where you expect things to go - your conscious planning, as opposed to your unconscious motivations in the foundation (beneath the central cross).

But I don't use the "hopes and fears" position - I take that card as advice on how to proceed. So I don't have an overlap.
I see it almost the same way (I read the Hopes and Fears position as Gate/Obstacle and/or Advice, depending on how I see the card that lands there.)

But for the Crown, I see it as the best the seeker can hope for in the situation, which is where s/he is consciously or unconsciously headed and, considering the Law of Attraction, toward which s/he is pointing his/her energies, whether it is good for her or not. (If a "negative" card falls here, that may make me think that her goal is not that tenable for her and she may be unconsciously headed in the wrong direction.) Sometimes, therefore, the rest of the spread points out the fallacy of her actions toward that goal and/or whether or not that goal is a good one to aim for. And the Outcome is, then, how the situation will likely turn out (regardless of her Crown card's goal.)