Seven of Wands


In Robin's "Seven of Wands," a solo man wards off, with his own glowing, crystal-capped wand, six other wands wielded by six, unseen opponents. Each of the opponent's wands are topped by a different colored crystal...perhaps these folks are all different people, with possibly differing opinions and ideas, maybe from varied backgrounds, all hell-bent on making their own points known, with their upright wands pointed directly at the man, as if in accusation. The six opponents could also not even be representing people at all...but instead, as Robin pointed out, "...ideas or institutions..." But the opposers's wands are definitely not energized with the same sparks as that coming off crystals of the standing man's wand. At least for now, the standing gent has the advantage. The question that comes to mind for me, the reader, is: What issue(s) is the man taking a stand for and why?

The man certainly seems focused and intent on not only making his own point, but coming out on top. It helps that he's already on top physically...after all, all the others are in some sort of ditch, well below ground level. If this card came up in a reading, I'd ask that the querent consider where they already are, advantage-wise, with the stand they are taking or fighting for? Depending on where the card fell in a spread and the question asked, it might be nice to know things aren't hopeless, even though the going is obviously tough. In any case, such a card may point out that it's not time to give up now. Case in point with Robin's example given in her book of a friend who was thought to have incurable cancer, but experimental surgery proved otherwise. The Seven of Wands could literally mean, as Robin wrote, "...victory over impossible odds..."

The man is out in the light of day (tho' not sunny, but overcast, indicating "struggle"), well-grounded, with his bare feet firmly on the grassy earth above the others. Possibly this means that whatever he is fighting for is actually of a higher ground, morally and otherwise, than what the others are proposing and wallowing in. The other wand-brandishers are standing in heaven-knows-what kind of condition, seemingly in the dark even. Maybe this man knows that no matter how many oppose him or how bad the odds are against him, he's not only thinking more clearly, but has studied the situation and is willing to fight hard for what he believes is right. Clearly he also thinks he can win! Robin mentions that the Seven of Wands stands for: "Bravery, resolution, valor, righteousness, tenacity..." Robin drew the man to be strong of muscle and determined of mind. That said, the man could also represent a woman, or a person of any age or race, exhibiting the qualities depicted.