Not getting tired/drained as with other decks.


magpie9 said:
I really don't quite understand why anyone would want to read with a deck thay don't connect with....So Many Decks, So Little Time :)

Hi Magpie9! I think the reason some of us choose to spend a little more time with deck with which we do not immediatly connect is because after we read the book and learn more about the deck we understand it better and then connect. Some decks we connect with may take more effort than others (thus the draining) until we have used them more. Another reason could be love of the artwork or the concept used in deck design. Others of us are simply enternal students and love learning more about various decks, and although sometimes drained there is a feeling of fullfilment and reward in studying the decks we do not quite connect with (and definetly with those we do connect with). We can perhaps at least determine why we do not connect with the deck and then make a decision on whether to keep it, trade it or sell it.

Welcome to the Faeries Oracle Study Group. Hope to see a lot more of your posts!


I've recently joined and I posted a request in another section for advice on which tarot deck to balance my melancholic Hudes and Haindl decks. And very welcome the suggestions were too but nothing seemed to particularly grab me.
And then I stumbled upon this section, felt people's excitement, loved the sense of fun. And it all seemed so against the grain of my serious nature. But my cards have been telling me to loosen up, re-kindle the passion.
I looked at the sample images of the faeries and just knew I had to have them. I'd told my daughter I wouldn't have time to get to the bookstore til midweek for a study book she needed. But I just had to have the faeries and I 'knew' they were there waiting for me.
I found the time to rush out from work. But the faeries weren't there. ..... went through the section again and there, hidden behind a big tarot starter pack, out of section, were my faeries. [I got my daughter's study book as well!]
I haven't opened them yet. I want everthing to be right, search out some Celtic music, make sure I won't be disturbed. It's a bit like knowing I've got chocolate in the fridge - it's there waiting for me and the wait enhances the pleasure - and I'm not one who usually goes in for delayed gratification!
Anyway, sorry for this post. There's really no purpose to it other than to tell you how happy and excited I feel and to thank you for leading me to the faeries.


Congratulations Aoife! I hope you love them as much as we do. Usually I am also a very serious student ... but the faeries are definetly about play. They do not require the same conditions as tarot studies (at least mine don't). I think you will find that they are a breath of fresh air. We look forward to your posts! Thanks for joining us and sharing your ecxitement!


I have to stop reading on this board...
Reading this thread made my heart 'ache'. The faeries are calling me so loudly, but I have to wait for the deck to arrive...

It all sounds so perfect to (and for) me.

Strange, that I already feel them, though I haven't seen the full deck or the book yet.