Faerie Tarot: Judgment

Alan Ross

This is a very spare depiction of Judgment. There are no tombstones or resurrected bodies here. There's only an angelic faerie and her trumpet. She's floating in the air, with her long purple dress and blonde hair streaming behind her. According to the LWB, her flowing dress and translucent skin are symbols of purity. The purple of her dress is a color I more usually associate with royalty. She certainly has a very regal bearing, as befits a messenger of God. She has a very serious expression on her face. Clearly, she doesn't take this judgment business lightly. The inner border of the card is decorated with a trumpet motif.



I love the *sound* of this card! One can almost hear the ancient sounds of the Spheres of the Universe and the songs of stars being born and dying. This is a poetic and musical card! I am reminded by the biblical "last trumpet" here. Not in a "bad" way, but in a beautiful, bigger-than-us kind of way.
Like Alan says above "she doesn´t take this judging business lightly"! So true!
I like the waves and the wind that blows here. It reminds me of the oceans and brings energy and movement to the card. The way her wings are lit looks very beautiful and also full of energy.

I think that in a reading I might interpret this card along the lines of something much bigger than us, something unavoidable and divine, something we must leave alone for now and just watch how it will develop.