The Answer Deck - Barrier


I've been trying to spread my time over the study groups, and didn't want the AD to fall too terribly behind, so I thought to start another thread.

This card freaked me out. I'll explain....

Yesterday, I was telling my husband about the Hitchcock references to the AD we've been finding. I hand him the deck and ask him to just start looking through it (he's used to my eccentricities). So, he listens and nods, and as I'm talking he flips through the cards... until he holds up this card... Barrier.

And, my jaw hit the ground.... Of course! :D I could see it immediately... it was brilliant...! He and I grinned at each other in silent understanding. "I've gotta post about this one," I say (and he understands that too).

The card, when he viewed it, was reversed. Take it out, and play along if you like... reverse it.

Now, if you're a Hitchcock fan, what does the image of this man, limbs splayed in midair, reversed and upside down look like, hmmmmm??

*Vertigo* ring a bell?

Consider next the message of the card... Barriers are forces which prevent us from going forward. Jimmy Stewart's private eye was held back by his fear of heights, it was *his* barrier... and the one that (he thought) cost him his heart's desire.

Do you see it, my friends? :D :D :D

I'm so happy to have something *else* to see when this card comes up now, besides the upright image of a goofy man doing bad mime... which is all the card was giving me before.