Five of Swords Rx as career advice


This came up as part of a spread I did for someone who wanted to know how to find more meaning in his work. The Five of Swords Rx came up in the position of the main advice, with the upright Two of Swords as clarification.

My interpretation is that he is trying to balance opposing forces (his desire for more meaningful work and his need to make enough money to support his family and lifestyle)--this is of course the Two of Swords--and that, as a result, there is not much he can really do to change things. His choices are limited. But this is so depressing. The advice he's getting is literally, there's nothing you can do about it--it sucks, but that's the only way you can maintain this precarious balance.

Does anyone have a more positive interpretation, or something that may be more helpful? Thanks.


Whilst he's trying desperately to maintain the status quo in the 2S the situation needs to be faced in the 5S rx which brings communication, Compromise, Resolution, end of conflict/hostilities/stress etc and overcoming a major challenge through major sacrifice.

I think that's correct but difficult to be sure without the other cards.


5 of Swords Rx -- Avoid (Rx) conflict, confrontation, win-lose situations (5 of Swords).

2 of Swords -- Close your eyes, what do you see? What do you not see?


Gah, I'm still confused. This is all a bit vague for me...


The Fives reversed have a dilemma: they're trying to emerge from chaos and become Sixes (it's the nature of odd numbers to seek equilibrium), but they can't get much traction. It reminds me of a Pyrrhic victory: the battle may eventually be won, but at what cost? The implication is a "war of attrition." I could also see it meaning "Don't start something you're not likely to finish." If "rewarding engagement" in his occupation might be symbolized by the 6 of Swords, the 5 of Swords rx seems to be pointing the wrong way; but placing the RWS cards side-by-side, I see the man in the 5 of Swords looking into the future (toward the 2 of Swords), even though the grey clouds around his head now seem to be emanating from that point. Not only is his perspective skewed, his vision is clouded as well. The 2 of Swords awaits him, but isn't showing any encouragement or sympathy.

The 2 of Swords clarifying the 5 of Swords rx suggests a clock running down (if you happen to remember wind-up clocks). There is less dynamic energy and it's more "locked up." It could also be seen as a cessation of movement, like time running out. Looks like he's kind of "backed into a corner" here. The 2 of Swords is forbidding, the clouds are gathering, and he's having what I call a "Hanged Man moment," suspended on the "horns of a dilemma." His momentarily defeated enemies are moving ahead of him, less encumbered by clouds, and may be regrouping down the road.

None of this is encouraging. He would probably be best to stop beating his head against the wall and rethink his current state of mind before he drives himself over the edge into dysfunctional anxiety. Abject frustration is what this pair promises, unless he has an inner conversation with himself and reshapes his expectations. Mental cards (Swords) respond best to a mental solution. Maybe he needs to drop the "questing" mentality of the Five and take on the stoic patience of the Two.


Gah, I'm still confused. This is all a bit vague for me...

True, although could it be that the question is a bit vague? Tarot might respond with the same amount of detail as we gave it.