2 Queens Between 2 of Cups


This is not an entire reading. I was just wondering about the combination of getting Queen of Cups + 2 of Cups + Queen of Swords (in that order) for a straight male. At first, the idea of him choosing between two romantic interests came up, but the 2 of cups strikes me as a card of a balance or sharing of love between two people connected by a mutual understanding and level of trust. (If that makes sense?) So I don't really know what to make of this combo. Some posts suggest that Queen of Swords on the right side indicates a swift decision or witholding one's will to act on one's feelings. And some other ideas of 2 of Cups seem to stem from platonic connections. He could also have shunned someone showing an interest in him. I'm not sure how, but that is another possibility. Anyway, these are my interpretations. What is the best way, in general, to read this combo?


Assuming a RWS-style deck, both Queens are facing away from the couple in the 2C. In that case they could represent emotions and thoughts that he's directing away from whatever situation is represented by the 2C. If the position of the Queens was reversed, they would then be directing their emotions and thoughts toward the situation.

And as Queens represent internal mastery of their suit's characteristics, they can represent either gender.



I see all of the Twos as a duality or polarity that oscillates between two poles, regularly passing through the point of equilibrium but not staying there long. So they're about linear give-and-take, back-and-forth, here-and-there, up-and-down, odd-and-even, etc. (I try to bite my tongue and not say "in-and-out" for a heterosexual relationship, but fail.) It describes most of the successful relationships I know; they're dynamic rather than static. The only danger is that they can wear a groove (or a rut) and become too predictable, like a metronome (I call it the "tick-tock factor" because it implies monotonous tedium over the long haul). I think that deadly regularity is what sooner or later brings down many relationships that start strong.

A Queen at each end of the pendulum's swing could imply that there is a kind of magnetic "pull" encouraging the pendulum to stay at one extreme of its arc or the other and not try to recenter itself. It doesn't have to be two women; it could just as well be two outside interests of some kind that encourage absence as a way to alleviate boredom.

My grandfather exhibited this behavior, although (or maybe because) his marriage lasted over 50 years: he liked to drink socially with his male friends (Cups for self-indulgence), and he liked to hob-nob with buddies who shared his sporting interests (Swords for conversation). My grandmother was left behind, but she had her grandson "surrogates" to keep her occupied.


Assuming a RWS-style deck, both Queens are facing away from the couple in the 2C. In that case they could represent emotions and thoughts that he's directing away from whatever situation is represented by the 2C. If the position of the Queens was reversed, they would then be directing their emotions and thoughts toward the situation.

And as Queens represent internal mastery of their suit's characteristics, they can represent either gender.


That's interesting because in other decks, such as the Aquarian deck, both of the queens face the reader. Only the Queen of Pentacles is turned away; she specifically looks to the reader's left, in the Aquarian deck. It's not like that in every deck though, as you pointed out with the RWS. But if there were a connection between the situation and the literal direction of each queen in the RWS, then 2 of cups implies a negative, overwhelming energy here. I have always seen 2 of cups as something positive, something that is more motivating and desirable, so I just wanted to clarify what you think of 2 of cups here. Thanks.


I was just wondering about the combination of getting Queen of Cups + 2 of Cups + Queen of Swords (in that order) for a straight male.
Maybe he has, or will develop, an emotional fixation (QC) on someone and attempt to "connect" with her on that level (2C) but be coldly rebuffed (QS).


I have always seen 2 of cups as something positive, something that is more motivating and desirable, so I just wanted to clarify what you think of 2 of cups here. Thanks.
You didn't tell us what the question was or if there were any positional meanings associated with the cards. So it's hard for me to tell you what I think the 2C means outside of the effect of the two Queens on that card.
