Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 29 - #119


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 29
Number: 119



Sabian Symbol: A Muse weighing twins on golden scales.

Jones Key Word: Value
Jane Ridder-Patrick : Spleen
Crystal : Yellow Gold alchemically enhances worthiness, purity, beauty and enlightenment.

a few ideas - Goddess energy. valuing, sanctifying, golden energy, illumination, balance and equity, abundance, happiness, the arts.

A little story - one of the readings I did for a lady who was trying IVF wanted to know if she would have children and this symbol came up I said - are you sure you are not pregnant now? she said no, I said well it looks like you will have twins! she said Oh no thats not possible - 7 days later she called she was pregnant, a month later she called in to see me with a bunch of flowers - she was pregnant WITH TWINS! so I do see this symbol - literally :)
The boys were born about 4 weeks ago :)



Love your story Marina

I can feel a dance of energies here, intermingling between the twins (genetically intertwined?) and the Greek Muse or Goddess. Balance here isn’t through equal proportions but the way in which each twin can identify, communicate (thoughts, feelings) and influence each others energy. The Greek Muse resonates at a higher frequency of light, creating a connection between her and the twins, blending her energy with theirs. As she does so, the energies between the three can be seen as sparkling pure golden light. It is quite possible that the souls of these twins with the help of this Being, would be able to take a quantum leap into higher dimensions, creating a clear stream of psychic energy through this triangular connection.

Marina, I love your choice of crystal here. It fits so perfectly!!

Marina said:
Crystal : Yellow Gold alchemically enhances worthiness, purity, beauty and enlightenment.

Through a color healing course I learned that in our solar system, it is the sun that is the storehouse of prana, the life-giving energy that nourishes both the macro and micro worlds with vitality globules that we inhale, exhale, absorb and transmit. Prana is first passed from the sun through a Higher Consciousness that works with the nature elements transmitting prana through our higher chakras, the head and between the shoulder area. From there it is passed on to the spleen..

In our bodies it is our spleen that acts as the centre of absorption. As the sun is to our earth, so the spleen is to the body. It distributes its energies to be absorbed by all the nerves, tissues and organs. It is in fact like a pranic triangle, consisting of the centre between the shoulders and the centre just below the diaphragm along with the spleen, acts as a sun disc circulating the pranic energy before being discharged to our etheric bodies.

The spleen absorbs tiny globules from the atmosphere via the pranic triangle. We were told to look at the spleen as a disc with six spokes. After the globules from the sun are drawn into the body through the spleen, these little globules are broken up into seven atoms each charged with a specific color, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red., etc.,

It is through the scales, this Greek Muse is able to descend and join with these twin souls……it has been said that the original spark from the Source split the soul into yin and yang….and the longing, the searching for our twin souls is so well known!!



I love how and what you say here Tink,
Im just reading a conversation with GOD and somehow what you say that book and this symbol all make sense... there is divine there is mundane there is past present future body mind spirit... more more more - golden :)



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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