The value of getting a professional chart analysis


I've dipping in to the study of astrology for about 5 months now and have learned a bit but nowhere near enough.

Today I got a professional reading and walked away amazed at what I'd learned. I also got a taped record of the reading, two charts and a reading list.

I had not understood the most significant factors of my chart, but particularly the influenc of Saturn. My Saturn and P;uto are right alongside each other in the 8th House. My Ascendant is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. There is a whole lot of other stuff as well which I won't bore you with now.

I got an indepth, fluent and meaningful understanding of my chart and some suggestions as to how I can deal with the various life challenges that present. I highly rcommend it to you guys if you have't already done it as a way of enhancing your learning.



Your Good Experience

Moongold, how wonderful that you found a competent, knowledgeable and wise astrologer to lead you to this discovery! The ability to synthesize a chart (to relate each astrological factor to every other), and then to be able to offer practical suggestions about how to manage challenging tendencies and time periods, are just two of the qualities that differentiate a personal astrological consultation from a computer readout (however sophisticated). I am very pleased for you and wish you continuing joy and success in your studies.

Red Emma

Professional Astrology readings

Moongold I very much agree. I like to get a one-year projection each year on my birthday. The trouble is, as Astreae said, to find someone competent.

I also prefer a written report so I can follow it throughout the year. Last year I gave in to a friend's urging and settled for a verbal reading. I'm not sure whether the unsatisfactory result was because of the astrologer's incompetence, or the shortcomings of the verbal method.

To begin with she stereotyped me as elderly female (which I am) who lived the typical life of women of my generation. Home, family, church, grandchildren, etc. Which I did not.

Had she really understood my chart, she'd not have said things like, "It's too bad you weren't born later. You'd have made a terrific feminist." Ye Gods, what does she think I was doing in the sixties and seventies demonstrating in the rain, sitting in at restaurants which wouldn't serve women during lunch times...and helping to establish business education classes for women.

Then she said things like, "Well, in two or three months" such and such will happen, and next year be on the lookout for... Which I found too generalized to be of any real help.

In addition she spent a lot of time telling me how to sell some of my books on

Okay. It seems she was incompetent. However, I guess I still prefer written reports.

I'm with Moongold, trying to learn enough to do it myself. But still, it will be a long time before I reach any level of competence.

I'm glad your experience was much better, and that you found an astrologer who knew what she was doing.