The Planets


I am not sure if this has been done before or not, but I made this spread tonight based on the planets and thier meanings. I thought that it would be a very interesting spread, and helpful to some.


1.) Mercury; The planet Mercury in its mythological role is the Messenger of the Gods. Mercury was responsible for conveying information between the mortals and the deities residing on Mount Olympus. Therefore this position conveys to us what message the Gods have for us.

2.) Venus; The planet Venus is named after the goddess of love, beauty and sensuality. Venus refers to our need for relationships, affection and harmony. This position shows us the potential for love in our lives.

3.) Earth; The planet Earth is our homebase so to speak. The place where we reside, and all that is important to us is here on this planet. This position will show you what is most important to you.

4.) Mars; The planet Mars represents our determination to battle for survival. When threatened, we can either confront a likely aggressor or flee. This shows us how we can keep what we obtain in our lives.

5.) Jupiter; The planet Jupiter has been associated with growth and expansion. It shows us how we grow throughout our lives to fulfill our potential. This position will show how you can grow to fullfill your potential in life.

6.) Saturn; The planet Saturn teaches us that through harsh confrontation with reality and through limiting circumstances what we must change in ourselves before we can reach our ambitions. This planet will show you what you need to get rid of in order to achieve your highest ideals.

7.) Uranus; The planet Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, rules freedom and originality. In society it rules radical ideas and people, as well as revolutionary events that upset established structures. In this position, it shows you sudden and unexpected changes in your life that you will be facing in the future.

8.) Neptune; The planet Neptune is positive expression. Neptune enables us to shift the focus of our lives from selfish concerns to a greater whole. Neptune can heighten perception and inspire imagination. It deepens our understanding of other people. This will show you how you can express yourself in a more positive way for the greater good of the world.

9.) Pluto; The planet Pluto rules the subconscious mind where primitive instincts often lie buried because we have been taught that they are socially undesirable. Pluto also rules any aspect of society that is potentially undermining, but which we are unwilling to face. This position shows an aspect of yourself that you are unwilling to face.


You left out Uranus. And technically Pluto's been demoted. But it's a great idea for a spread!



EEK! I can't believe I forgot about Uranus! I will have to edit that and add it in, in a few minutes. I know that Pluto has been demoted, but honestly I don't have the heart to not inclue it. I'm pathetic, I know!


It is fixed now! Thank you for pointing out Uranus to me. I feel so dumb for forgetting it!


this spread seems really interesting...i'm going to save it and give it a try after the holidays :D


I really liked this reading, and I added a couple things to it that made it feel more "complete" for me. Something about ending the reading with an aspect of oneself that one is unwilling to face felt a little too loose-ended for my orderly sensibilities, and I really like my readings to have some sense of tying everything together. So I added two more cards to the end:

The Sun: The Sun warms each planet and provides the light, heat, and energy to sustain life. It is the gravitational center of our solar system, keeping everything that orbits it aligned properly. This card shows you what energizes you to keep moving forward in your life.

Cosmos: Everything in the universe is contained within the Cosmos. Whatever higher purpose we may have can be considered on a whole new level when we consider what significance our lives may have in relation to the whole rest of the universe! This card shows you how to tap into Higher Consciousness in order to better understand your purpose and the information you have received from this reading. This is a good card to meditate on!

This then left the reading with 11 cards, and I felt like 12 was a better balance, and also that something important was missing from the solar system...the asteroid belt! So I added this between "Mars" and "Jupiter":

Asteroid Belt: The asteroid belt separates the inner and outer planets. The asteroids may be remnants of a planet that never fully materialized. This position shows you a challenge or struggle that you are resistant to letting go of. It may be something you need to let go of, or it may be a challenge you need to focus on in order to learn something important!

Doing it this way yielded some really powerful results for me -- I used the World Spirit Deck. Almost all my planets, and my Cosmos card, came up Wands...and for Neptune, Pluto, and the Sun I got the Sage, Sibyl, and Seer of Pentacles in that order.

Please don't think I made these changes because I didn't like your spread, though! When I really really like something, I spend extra time playing with it. :)