An Event Spread...


I decided to make my own event spread since my Company Christmas party is coming up and i wanted to get some advice about here's the spread... feel free to give any opinons, advice etc!

1) The Event in question
2) The atmoshpere of the party
3) how the other wills behave at the party
4) how the others will influence your behaviour
5) positive aspects of the party
6) negative aspects of the party
7) an advice for the party
8) outcome of party

you can layout the spread any way you want...

Harlequin Kitty

Hi, Beebs_94. Next week we are going to have a corporate party so I will definitely try your spread :))


Sure no problem! Tell me how you like the spread ok?

Harlequin Kitty

I will ;) The party is going to be on Tuesday 30.12, so it's pretty soon :)


I'm a little unclear about position 1. What do mean by "the event in question"? Is it sort of like a significator for the party/event?


well now that i think about it, i find that both position one and two are pretty much the same, so i would suggest that you just remove the " event in question" position....

hope that helps!


Thanks for the info. I couldn't wait to try to the spread though. I'm having a small New Year's party tonight and I wanted to test the spread out, so I treated position 1 sort of as a significator.

The spread worked extremely well. To expand a little further, we weren't sure we were going to have a party in the first place, so the group is very small and a few of the folks invited are only slightly more than acquaintances to me and my husband. Another couple whom we like quite a bit begged off suddenly, and I was disappointed.

The sig card came up as the 5 of cups. I guess I'd better start looking at the two upright cups instead of "crying over spilled milk" (read: missing those who cannot attend). The rest of the reading was also very accurate and even the few clarifying cards that I drew were extremely helpful.

Positions were as follows, for the sake of analyzing the utility of the spread:
1. V of Cups, 2. III of Cups, 3. Ace of Pentacles, 4. The Chariot, 5. IV of Pents, 6. Page of Wands, 7. II of Pents, 8. Ace of Swords. Clarifiers were X of Cups for the IV of Pents and VI of Cups for the Ace of Swords.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I was so pleased with this spread, and I will definitely be using if often. Thanks!