Card Combinations Study Group (CCSG) Notification Thread


Study Group Posting Rules

  • To help organize/index threads, new thread titles should be prefaced with the abbreviation CCSG:.
  • Each thread will need to stick to a single combination of cards for reasons already listed.
  • If there is already a CCSG thread created for a particular combination of cards, please post in that one instead of creating a new thread.
  • Feel free to bump an existing thread by adding new content to it unless that thread deals with cards from a partial reading or a combo within a specific context. (Feel free to link to it in the Notification thread though so it can be indexed.)
  • Please do not use abbreviations for card names in thread titles.
  • Please post in the CCSG Notification thread to provide a link to a thread you've created or found so that it can be added to the Index.
  • Anyone can start a new thread at any time following the above rules.

For example, if you want to look at the Fool and the 8 Cups, title the thread CCSG: Fool and 8 Cups, then post the link here in this thread.

Please post links in this thread to alert Moderators of threads that need to be added to the CCSG Index Thread.