Change your Natal Chart?


Minderwiz, or anyone who could answer this...

Mercury in Cancer in the 12th house...psychic abilities, channeler or not necessarily...


Pick a planet

We each have a chart that contains the whole set of planets, signs and houses that everyone else has. What is different for each of us is how they are arranged. As several have noted, we continue to express the birth chart throughout our lives. That's fine -- but is it enough? Progressions and transits are two of the several tools we have to look at opportunities that come up from time to time WHEN WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE. If you have an aspect pattern of two or three planets in your chart, you know how you express it. Often this expression focuses more on one factor and less on another factor.

If you have options, you should express them all (my quote). We can do two things to more fully or differently express ourselves. First, we can make sure that we give each planet in our chart an opportunity to truly be part of us. Don't focus on Mars when the Moon needs just as much space. Second, each major transit or progression to a natal aspect pattern from a planet that is in that natal pattern gives us a chance to focus on that particular energy. When another transiting or progressing planet also hits that natal aspect pattern at the same time, THEN YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND YOUR HABITUAL EXPRESSION OF THAT NATAL ASPECT PATTERN.

Expanding your sensitivity and expression is called growth. You can literally grow out of your chart as you knew it at one point. Keep in mind that many are used to looking only at a few aspects such as the conjunction, opposition, trine, square, etc. There are other aspects that are just as important -- they are found when you divide the circle by 5 or by 7 for example.

One of the biggest areas that is overlooked is that of EQUAL ARCS. Pick two planets in your chart that you feel are significnat in your life's experience. Measure the arc in degrees and minutes between them. YOU NOW HAVE TWO OPTIONS.

First, when ever those two planets re-establish that arc, no matter where they are in your chart, their energy comes back into your life in a big way. You can channel this familiar engergy into any other planet that they contact (by hard aspect or by mid-point) and thereby add a new planet and form of expression into your life.

Second, find any other pair of planets in your chart that have a closely similar arc. If one/more exists, then that pair of planets and the first pair of planets can share a common mid-point. When ever that mid-point is transited by any of the several planets involved, then the whole group of planets (and the combined energies they represent) can be expressed.

The point of this is that you can change your chart by growing from its perceived limitations and by adding complexities and expanded opportunities to it. Dave.



We all have psychic ability to some extent, so we can certainly start from the possibility that this placement could indicate the ability to channel.

If we take a more modern view of the twelfth as the House which shows how we try to go beyond ourselves and link with the divine (or the universe) then that would seem to fit.

Cancer is seen as a caring and nurturing sign, Mercury here will communicate, emotionally, instinctively and sensitively. All of these might enhance the chances of channeling.

However there are other possible interpretations, Mercury in the twelfth might communicate in a hidden or behind the scenes way, or through institutions and it could play one of its traditional roles of trickster as the twelfth is also the House of self deception.

If there are other signs in your chart that would suggest mediumship then this could give you a communications channel but on it's own it could show up in a number of ways.

If you feel that you are being called to channel then go ahead and try. Don't rely on your chart here - as Dave says above we can develop from that original potential. There may be transits or progressions that are 'pushing' you in that direction - so give it a go.


Well, no I am not being called to channel. I was trying to put together my basic understanding of what I know now. So I came up with:

12th house:psychic

so with this arrangement, I thought maybe I could explain my interest in the metaphysical and perhaps would find a special talent with that.

There is something else that puzzles me. I have no planets in my 7th house. Perhaps that is why I am still single? (and I have lived half my life ;) )I think Saggitarius is ruling the house as Leo is my ascendent. (did I get that one right?) WHen there are no planets in a house is that area not "activated'? Does it mean I have to work harder than the average bear in that area?


The interpretation that you put forward is a possible one but I would look for more than one indicator of this level of psychic ability if I were going to draw that as a firm conclusion. One problem with Astrology is that planet / sign / House combinations can manifest in various ways in people's lives. So one person with this combination might be a medium but others might be ghost writers for mediums who want to write their autobiographies, or indeed ghost writers for the rich and famous who want to write their autobiographies :)

Don't worry about the lack of planets in the Seventh, that's nothing to do with you being single in itself. The planet ruling the sign on your Descendant (the seventh cusp) will give an indication of marriage and partnerships. If you are a Leo Ascendant (as am I) your Descendant will be Aquarius.

I use the traditional rulers so I would take Saturn as the ruler of your Seventh - its difficult to be precise without knowing where Saturn is in your chart and what aspects it makes but a fairly general interpretation might well be that you are either likely to marry an older partner or marry later in life (than average). You are likely to be quite careful in entering a relationship but once in you are committed.


This thread started out so funny and has developed into a seminar...... :) Thanks!

So I get the idea of working with the energy of my natal chart (thank you Dave)..... I would see that as emphesizing things that might not come easily to me? Or working to open areas that are not so easy to open?

But watching the transitions to see when opportune times develop?

One question I have, too, is the double thing.... I am Cancer with Cancer rising and Mars and Uranus in Cancer.... my son is a double Pisces (lot of death in his childhood!!! poor baby.....)

So what is up with that? with the double thing? someone told me it is because we didn't get it right in the last lifetime, which really sucks as a concept......

What do you think?



We have 2 well educated kind people helping us get an education! Dadsnook and Minderwiz.

I only have a beginner's book, but I am hoping for more at CHristmas!

Thanks Dave, Thanks Minderwiz!



Sign and planet empahsis

Skytwig, we choose (I believe) our time and place and circumstances of birth. Choosing an Ascendant with Mars and Uranus (and Sun?) all in the same sign probably isn't any sort of punishment. Why would we do that to ourselves. I suspect you are on an accelerated path in some areas. Think of it as being enrolled in an "honours" course. This might be impatience on your part or just a determination to address some key issues.

We did some interesting things awhile back with Containments. This is a nice way of looking at planetary groupings without having to worry about aspects, signs, houses, etc. If you would care to post the Counter-Clockwise order (no signs & degrees, just what come first and what comes next) of your ASC and rising planets we could see if some interesting observations arise. The order of the planets, as we have shown in another thread, can be very enlightening.

But one thing is certain, all that stuff in the rising sign certainly points to bringing all those specific energies into your personality and your daily living experience. Dave


Thank you so much, Dave.

I don't know if I'm looking at this chart right, but here are the planets in the bottom left corner (counterclockwise)

Sun, Mercury, Pluto. Venus, Moon, Saturn, Neptune



Fascinating discussion.

How do you create an arc, Dave. Pardon me if this is a naïve question J.

I am not able to change my location at present, and I live just a few minutes from the hospital where I was born. I have written to the hospital requesting confirmation of time of birth but that was such a long time ago now I’m wondering if they have it on record. Haven’t heard anything back from them yet.

Another way of dealing with this is knowing yourself really well and deciding to use the energies creatively. I had some difficult transits recently and they seemed to affect me spiritually and physically on the day in a major way. I wonder whether I might not have been able to deal with this differently had I been aware.

I could remember to look at the major transits in advance and think about how they may affect me and how awareness may change this.

Today I have some hard Moon transits and I’m simply spending the day alone rearranging my unit and thinking positively about most things. Oddly enough, I had a Moon square Uranus transit at 5.55am this morning and I had another feeling of unease at almost exactly that time of being outside the general thinking of a particular group of people. This feeling is quite characteristic of this transit – being outside the norm. Instead of reeling to that I stayed with the feeling for a few minutes and then walked through it calmly, continuing with my writing, because I was right (for me) and it was OK. It’s about being aware and true to oneself and not the victim of aching unease. I only just checked these transits now, while writing this post.

It seems to me that this may be a more realistic approach – for me anyway ~ knowing myself really well and making choices about how to manage the energies.
