AT Comparative Study - A - The Sun - 19


Bosch Tarot

Symbolism & Imagery - A white man and a black woman are standing on what appears to be a large flower. The woman has what appears to be a tomato (but could be an apple) on her head and is holding (hiding?) another behind her back. The man's hand is reaching up to the sun and both are looking at it. They stand amidst a wide variety of funky vegetation. In the back the landscape holds trees, grass, desert and mountains (and perhaps a sea, but that is unclear to me).

Comparisons/contrasts with other decks - well, because this is the Bosch deck, not much will be similar. About the only thing similar to other decks is the inclusion of the sun, lol ...... and this sun is "normal", not ornate.

Initial reactions – I see the couple as Adam and Eve, which is why I mused as to whether she was holding a tomato or an apple. I find the differing colors interesting - we typically depict the first couple as being white but in all reality, some believe that the Garden of Eden (if it existed) was in what is now Ethiopia. I find a "wholeness" to this card. The scene is perhaps the moments before they were cast out of the Garden, which again to me signals perfection (because they still didn't know better at that point).

LWB - The reality which we dedicate to others illuminates our path. Vigil. (Text copyright of Lo Scarabeo and Riccardo Minetti).


Tarot of the Journey to the Orient

My "underrated" deck ......

Symbolism & Imagery - two children sit on galloping horses (note: on the Majors of this deck, there is always a depiction showing both Eastern and Western culture), one child is white, one oriental. The horses they ride are probably unique to their cultures as well. Both horses seem to be charging, one head up, the other head down. The children seem joyful (one of them anyway) and each has their hands with the other's and are holding a red and blue banner. The sun is smiling and looking at us - it also appears to have elements of both cultures in its facial features. Vegetation grows in the background and the horses leave a trail of flying dust.

Comparisons/contrasts with other decks - definitely an RWS feel to it, with the subtlety of blending two cultures. It feels like more is happening in this card - a kind of energy.

Initial reactions – I feel the energy of this card is paramount. There is a sense of unity and a feeling that the good results that are inherent to this card have come because of hard work and effort (maybe even teamwork). There is a sense that the banner is being held lightly and could fly away at any moment but yet the children seem confident that it is being held tightly. My favorite Sun yet of the ones I reviewed here.

LWB - "ALL ROADS WILL RADIATE WELL-BEING". Tongues of fire radiate energy from the red-hot sphere of the great eastern sun and illuminate the running horses ridden by children of the East and West. The Sun is a vital person, radiating positive vibrations, with a sharp mind. Profitable contract, scholarship, wedding, children, well-being, winnings, inheritance. Magical moment for enjoying life in excellent health. (Text copyright Lo Scarabeo).


Swietlistej Drogi

Symbolism and Imagery

Although an unusual deck in some of the imagery, this card shows, an horizon with a blazing sun which appears to be the 'fireball' that it is. The Sun dominates the picture with two people - a man and woman - in the foreground. They each hold a sunflower in one hand and the other arm in reaching out for the other person in a kind of comradeship type pose. There are sunflowers in front of the the two people and the whole card is black and gold.

Comparisons/contrasts with otehr decks

Although not true of most of the deck, this particular card has RWS undertones in that there are sunflowers, sun and two people. But there I think the comparison ends. These two people look like male and female friends to me. The woman holds the sunflower in her left hand and her right arm is entwined with the mans left arm.

Initial reactions

The Sun itself is so dominant in the card that, I think, the rest can be glanced over. The Sun is a ball of fire and very large, and this is emphasised more by the ground and centre of the sunflowers being black. The people could be a couple but the card speaks more of happiness and friendship than love to me.

Great book but it's all in Polish!



Imagery & symbols-
This is a 'close-up' of two entities. One being the Sun. It is shown fairly center of the card as a giant ball of fire- the most scientifically accurate art of the Sun that I have within my decks (except photo decks) The other figure in the card is a father figure, not just pops, but the chief of a tribe. He wears some adornment that could represent a snake. Some cultures tied the snake, or serpant to the Sun. The Chief faces slightly upward, his hair spreads out like the rays of the Sun. His face is stern and tanned, his features hard.

Here is a great leader, one who is looked up to by the people who are in his care. Like the Sun provides neccisary light for growth, the chief provides direction and protection for his people & family, he is the patriarch. I suppose that the snake could also represent the male aspect of the card. I tend not to look at the snake that way.

reflects active male energy, vitality, developement and integrity. Stability and nobility as well as pride. The Sun enriches humankind with his light, lifting away darkness and bringing harmony. Union between spiritual and material.
key words- optimism, glory, joy of living, serenity, generousity, charisma, success, merited wealth, good health & luck, happiness.

The picture of this card is very simple.
There is a single person on the card, who is an adult, quite an experienced adult, in contrast to the innocent child.


Golden tarot

Golden Tarot by Kat Black

Symbolism and imagery –
In a walled garden a baby with a plumed hat is sitting on a horse. Above them a large sun with a rather serious face is shining. These is also a whisp of sheer white fabric that is floating in the air.

Comparisons/contrasts with other decks -
The plumed hat is a novelty here. I think it really adds to the symbolism of the card. Instead of a baby on a horse we actually see it for what it is: The baby stands for innocence and newness, the horse for force and movement and the walled garden for restrictions/limitations.
The plumed hat then adds the meaning of authority.

Initial reactions to symbolism/meanings –
It looks just plain silly with that hat on that baby, at first. But it really makes one look a bit deeper to find the symbolism of it.

The LWB didn’t really have a lot to add here and I am aware that my interpretation of the card is mine only and might not be what Kat was after at all when she made the card.


Golden Tarot

The World Spirit deck has an "old" looking baby for it's Sun card- and is frequently sited as the ugliest card in the deck (someone on the forum said it looked like Nixon, lol). I'm guessing that the artist was trying to depict the idea of being newly born, yet retaining all one's previous experience. However much the mind may enjoy contemplating that paradox, though, it seems that aesthetically it likes to link babies with innocence and vulnerability and does not approve of age, crowns/scepters, adult hats, etc. being placed on them. Perhaps the RWS solves it nicely in having the child look like a child, but having the horse be obedient to him to the point that he can ride it bareback and reinless, with his arms out on either side. And that reminds me that infants that sleep in that postion- on their backs with their arms stretched out- are thought to feel particularly secure and trusting.


galadrial said:
Golden Tarot

The World Spirit deck has an "old" looking baby for it's Sun card- and is frequently sited as the ugliest card in the deck (someone on the forum said it looked like Nixon, lol). I'm guessing that the artist was trying to depict the idea of being newly born, yet retaining all one's previous experience. However much the mind may enjoy contemplating that paradox, though, it seems that aesthetically it likes to link babies with innocence and vulnerability and does not approve of age, crowns/scepters, adult hats, etc. being placed on them. Perhaps the RWS solves it nicely in having the child look like a child, but having the horse be obedient to him to the point that he can ride it bareback and reinless, with his arms out on either side. And that reminds me that infants that sleep in that postion- on their backs with their arms stretched out- are thought to feel particularly secure and trusting.

I love the way you describe the RW cards! ....the child with the obedient horse...and the child safe, yet in control....terri



Brand new deck for me ......

Symbolism & Imagery - Rolling hills, flowers, trees ...... The Sun is happy and appears to be looking around .... Two birds look up at the sun in appreciation. The Sun's rays fall all the way to the ground.

Comparisons/contrasts with other decks - The last image is the most prevelant contrast IMO. Usually the rays of the sun are equidistant from the sun, but never reach the ground. The birds replace the child (or children) and horse found in most decks.

Initial reactions – Just total and unbridled joy and happiness, unlike my feeling in the other decks I looked at. I feel like everything in life is perfect at this moment and time (when I look at the card that is, lol).

LWB - Message: You need to share your highest qualities and achievements. Radiate who you are and what you are doing always and all ways. Shine love on those you care about. Be a strong, paternal figure. Support all efforts to grow. Outcome: You will enter a period where everything looks sunny and bright. Love, friendships or a patron's gift may empower you or your creativity. Family will be more important than ever. You may go to a warm and sunny climate. (Text is copyright U. S. Games).

Laura Borealis


I won an Aquarian deck on eBay and though its artwork is lovely, I'm having a difficult time with it. I think the Comparative Study will help, along with practicing intuition as described by Michele Morgan in her book A Magical Course in Tarot. :)


The Sun disk takes up a large part of the upper half of the card. The face has a calm, beautific expression. The cheeks and chin are round, like a happy Buddha. The face is mostly white, with the chin colored in yellow and the lips, eyes and eyelids in shades of pink, along with blushing pink spots in the cheeks.

Lines and semi-circles radiate from the Sun, with the rays going all the way to the border of the card. Within some of the lines are patterns, including zigzags and braids. Some make me think of stylized heads of grain. Some rays are colored in with oranges, yellows, reds and pinks, while some are left white. After staring at the rays for a few minutes, I fancied I noticed a cross shape, but this could be my imagination.

I count nine semi-circles also radiating from the central Sun. Possibly an allusion to the nine of pentacles? Or they could be the nine planets in our Solar system. They also remind me of flower petals.

At the bottom is a decorative element that isn't speaking to me of much at all. The only thing that comes to me after contemplating it for several minutes is possibly a very stylized winged scarab, but I feel like this is really pushing it. :D

Differences from other decks: no horse, no children, no landscape, no crystal pineapple. ;) Just the Sun and its rays.

Interpretation: I get a strong sense of calm and contentment (the expression on the face), a feeling of abundance and harvest (the heads of grain), and a hint of rebirth (the scarab-shape and cross). The semi-circles add an association with the abundance and completion of the nine of pentacles. Checking against the LWB, it says, "Contentment, liberation, attainment of personal or business goals."

September Pixie

Tarot Of Mermaids

Symbolism & Imagery:
Beautiful young mermaid holding an orange/red sash of fabric.. riding a horse.. the first half of the horse is normal but the rear end has a mermaid like tail (sea horse? lol) that appears to be galloping out of water.. large full sun in the background. Water appears to be somewhat calm.

First Impressions:
Large full sun - completion? Gold/Yellow color meaning success and or money.. horse representing swift? Young mermaid representing youth..

I can see a resemblance between this card and the one pictured on the Robin Wood deck.. pretty much the same symbolism.

From The Book:
Harmony, love, happiness, lightheartedness, health, creativity, achievement, sunny personality, human warmth, fame, glory.

Final Thoughts:
Pretty much your average take on the Sun card.. I agree with the book definition of this card and don't really have anything more to add.