Understanding Love (6)


I just tried this spread and it was a very beautiful reading :) It made a lot of sense to me and even brought tears to my eyes....especially when Temperance came up for card 4 and I knew it was my angels letting me know they're around me and love me. Thank you the great spread... This is one I'll keep looking back in my journal for a reminder!

Yay! I'm so glad it's a keeper for you! :D :heart:


This is a nice spread, Amanda. I plan to try it today with the International Icon (my OneDeckWonder.) Thank you! :)


This is a nice spread, Amanda. I plan to try it today with the International Icon (my OneDeckWonder.) Thank you! :)

Thank you! :)
That looks like a fun deck! I like how it's faceless and raceless... seems like a good deck for this spread.