Early childhood spread


Hmmmmm.... interesting question Aoife. Not sure what aspects it is you want to explore from that period of your life, but the thought occurs to me that you could do 3 columns of cards. Each column could represent a year, with the cards in each colum representing those aspects you want to explore. For instance, if you wanted to look at "mind-body-spirit"... you could do a 9-card square similar to the one in my recent thread (hmmm... wonder why I thought of this? ;) );


Card 1 would be the development of your thoughts through that first year. Card 2, your health & physical development during your first year. And so forth.... Of course you would substitute whatever other aspects you were exploring for the mind-body-spirit rows, and you could add additional rows as needed if you had more than 3 things you were exploring.

However... if you were thinking more along the lines of something going on between you and your siblings or parents, a relationship type spread might work.

Hopefully these ramblings of mine have been of some use...