Online sites to help with Tarot studies


Hello everyone, I was just wondering besides your basic sites like does anyone have any recommended websites to offer in helping me study the cards a bit more? There are only so many books I can afford and I'd like to gain as much information as possible.

Thanks in advance.


Hi starless*
I think that surely right here you are already in the best place to get that!!!
Surf the forum and you'll see it :)
Not only new threads, search also for old ones and you'll have a lot!
Much more than other sites...
Just my 2 cents:)


Hi ArcanoMáximo, yes I'm indebted to this forum for everything! =) I suppose I have this insatiable desire to learn so much haha. I'll start looking towards the older threads. Thanks.


JMD, thanks so much for the link, I'm going to check it out! =)

Barbaras Ahajusts

At the bottom of this page...

Scroll down to the bottom of this page.

You will see links/underlined items to click on.

Go to Card Meanings.

That should take you to a section that you can use for eons to come!

You don't have to just search the archives to learn around here! Sometimes the best is right under our noses!



Firefrost, thanks so much for the link! Of course I will be using this, the dreaded court cards are the worst aren't they?! Much obliged!


Barbaras Ahajusts said:
Scroll down to the bottom of this page.

You will see links/underlined items to click on.

Go to Card Meanings.

That should take you to a section that you can use for eons to come!

You don't have to just search the archives to learn around here! Sometimes the best is right under our noses!


Haha, point well noted Babaras Ahajusts! I never paid much mind to those bottom links, then again I never had a shrewd eye for detail. Thanks for the advice, will use!


starless said:
Firefrost, thanks so much for the link! Of course I will be using this, the dreaded court cards are the worst aren't they?! Much obliged!

You're very welcome :)
